Slower Gigabit than Wifi


Jan 22, 2015
I have a LInksys EA6400 Gigabit router (g/n/ac), with a LaCie NAS (100mbit i believe). When I use my Wifi (full signal strength, draft n), I obtain an average of 7 megabytes/s.
Using same NAS and router, but plugging in with a Cat 6e 550Mhz cable (tested and known good), gigabit connection on laptop, and I only get 0.5 megabytes/s.
Transferring same files, to/from same directories. No additional devices / load on either equipment during tests.
I have no idea why????

Oddly enough I actually did that last night and made it more confusing. I tested the cable and my computer at work, and obtained 80 Mbps (fiber) on the LAN only as I have no access to Wifi on personal computer.
I then went home and ran the same speed test ( and obtained about 7-8 Mbps which is on par for my ISP service), and did this with both Wifi, and LAN.
When I tried the network file transfer from NAS, I got about 900 kilobytes/s, from both! So now I have gained 400 kilobytes/s on 1, and lost 6 Megabytes on the Wifi?
I am definitely confused now.
They are consistant, meaning problem may be with my NAS, or my router. NAS is old, router brand new.
Any thoughts? Further tests?

Try a direct connection to the NAS but you will need to do some static IP setup and use a cross over cable. Put both systems on the same IP range using static IP (NAS should have that option), just make sure you don't forget what you set it to as you'll need that info unless you can reset the network settings with a button. Make them the same IP range for the first 3, 192.1.1.x and x is whatever you want just not the same for both.

See how the speed is like between the systems that way. If it comes up a lot faster, then the issue is when you add the router in.

Well, I was out of town for a while, but back now. I think I narrowed it to the NAS. I brought home a work laptop, and did a file transfer between that and my personal laptop, and got good speeds, 90 mB/sec. Seems it might be time for a new NAS!!!