I have a LInksys EA6400 Gigabit router (g/n/ac), with a LaCie NAS (100mbit i believe). When I use my Wifi (full signal strength, draft n), I obtain an average of 7 megabytes/s.
Using same NAS and router, but plugging in with a Cat 6e 550Mhz cable (tested and known good), gigabit connection on laptop, and I only get 0.5 megabytes/s.
Transferring same files, to/from same directories. No additional devices / load on either equipment during tests.
I have no idea why????
Using same NAS and router, but plugging in with a Cat 6e 550Mhz cable (tested and known good), gigabit connection on laptop, and I only get 0.5 megabytes/s.
Transferring same files, to/from same directories. No additional devices / load on either equipment during tests.
I have no idea why????