Question Small bright spots on new Hisense 50U7QFTUK

The Kimchi Caveman

Mar 11, 2015
Just upgraded for the first time in 13 years and after four days of use, my Hisense 50U7QFTUK is displaying four small, regular bright circles towards the bottom of the panel:

(Only visible during dark scenes as they are lost in brighter colours, but this is incredibly distracting and I can't unsee it!)

I'm generally competent/comfortable(ish) with tech but panels are not something I've ever had to troubleshoot as a hobbyist. Does anyone have any suggestions one what this could be and whether it's repairable or should I RMA the panel?

Any and all advice very gratefully received!
You have what might be dead pixels. Might want to contact your seller/Hisense and see what they have to say about the RMA process. Last I checked the user manual that comes with the monitor state how many dead pixels you need to have in order to initiate an RMA. Repairable, no. Replaceable, yes.
You have what might be dead pixels. Might want to contact your seller/Hisense and see what they have to say about the RMA process. Last I checked the user manual that comes with the monitor state how many dead pixels you need to have in order to initiate an RMA. Repairable, no. Replaceable, yes.

I'm not sure they're deadpixels as they are still displaying images - they aren't permanently blank, they are just visible as distinctly lighter patches on any image being displayed. My total guess in the dark is that it could be something to do with the FALD or backlighting maybe (again, I have no real idea about display issues)