Small Business Switch Problems


Feb 21, 2012
If anyone is fimiliar with the "INTERNET CAFES'" that have been popping up. I'm having a huge issue with a location just like those.
After hours on the phone with the cable company,Dell, and even what the software company we use calls their "TECH Support". I'm more confused now then before I talked to them.
I'm not totally computer literate..But I can find my way around..

Q-How do I know I have the right switches and/or if they are bad?

I have 20 Dell 24" ALL IN ONES.. They are linked as follows..using and Internet Based Gaming Platform
(1)Cable Modem (12 down/2up Service) with one jumper to the
(2)8-port DLink Router (11G+) then 5 Cat5 lines to a
(3)post on the wall in the office
(4)from there the wires run through the walls
(5)to 5 switches(10/100/1000)that then feed the 20 computers..

My problems are these...
(1) In Poker Games-I have cards that don't reveal themselves or even show up on screen.I other words.. the screen is supposed to start with the backside of 5 cards.. it only shows 4 cards. It will freeze as well 50% of the time that happens. Funny thing is... its always either a payout for a 3 of kind or 2 pair.. everytime..never has it been a losing hand.

(2)Problems getting updates from the software company. It gives an error message that says something like "this program could not be started please contact system vendor". Which I have over & over. I've worked with them as long as I can. Its killing my newly opened business.
I usually have to restore way back and I can get it load after trying 3-4 times.

(3)"free wheeling" I call it.. When the wheels won't stop spinning unless you hit the Reveal (start) button.--

I have been dealing with these issues for 5 months with everbody blaming everyone else..

If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.
This should not be any type of network issue at your end, it's the sites you are using. What's is the wheel thing you are talking about? The I.E. one where it spins at it's loading sites?

No switch issues will cause cards not to show up on a poker site. The software update is an issue either with the files or the computers, maybe something in Windows.