[SOLVED] Small circuit board that was soldered to the CPU

Mar 11, 2022
Why do some CPU models have a small circuit board with them (like the Intel Xeon Prestonia and Intel Itanium 2)? What is their purpose? What if we desolder the chip out of the board(because these models of CPU are BGA chips)? Is the chip itself still functional?
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Why do some CPU models have a small circuit board with them (like the Intel Xeon Prestonia and Intel Itanium 2)? What is their purpose? What if we desolder the chip out of the board? Is the chip itself still functional?
I think the answer is yes BUT. The rest of the motherboard is expecting the carrier. So there would be noting to plug the, now bare, CPU into.


Why do some CPU models have a small circuit board with them (like the Intel Xeon Prestonia and Intel Itanium 2)? What is their purpose? What if we desolder the chip out of the board? Is the chip itself still functional?
I think the answer is yes BUT. The rest of the motherboard is expecting the carrier. So there would be noting to plug the, now bare, CPU into.