Question Small horizontal pixel lines on top and bottom of my monitor

Sep 26, 2024
I have an Acer nitro vg240ys connected to my GTX 1650 through DP. they change colours as you can see

anyone got an idea what is causing it ? im sure that the cabel is plugged in all the way. it is more visible on colours like green blue and red


Start by manually downloading the drivers (GPU and monitor, if applicable), reinstall, and reconfigure.

No third party tools or installers.

Ensure that you get the drivers directly from the manufacturer's website. Just because the manufacturer's name may appear in the URL that is not a guarantee that the website is the actual manufacturer.
Sep 26, 2024
Start by manually downloading the drivers (GPU and monitor, if applicable), reinstall, and reconfigure.

No third party tools or installers.

Ensure that you get the drivers directly from the manufacturer's website. Just because the manufacturer's name may appear in the URL that is not a guarantee that the website is the actual manufacturer.
I did some testing by myself. tried out different video ports and a different cable(hdmi) they both produced the same issue.. so i switched my IGPU on from the bios and plugged my cable in the motherboard. same issue persists soo i kinda figured its the monitor by now


" i kinda figured its the monitor by now"

Appears so but worth another look and a bit more troubleshooting.

If possible try the monitor on another known working (no small horizontal pixel lines) system.

Do verify that there are no drivers for the monitor. Visit Acer's website - be sure that the website is truly Acer.

= = = =

That all said if the problem is simply cosmetic - likely you can ignore the line and save the money towards a newer monitor when the Acer is no more....

And in the interim some update or other change make cause the lines to disappear.
Sep 26, 2024
" i kinda figured its the monitor by now"

Appears so but worth another look and a bit more troubleshooting.

If possible try the monitor on another known working (no small horizontal pixel lines) system.

Do verify that there are no drivers for the monitor. Visit Acer's website - be sure that the website is truly Acer.

= = = =

That all said if the problem is simply cosmetic - likely you can ignore the line and save the money towards a newer monitor when the Acer is no more....

And in the interim some update or other change make cause the lines to disappear.
i installed the latest drivers on the official acer website. i also have a secondary monitor using the hdmi port of my gpu and it has no lines. so im sure its not my gpu bc i tried the broken monitor with an hdmi cable aswell!

"That all said if the problem is simply cosmetic - likely you can ignore the line and save the money towards a newer monitor when the Acer is no more...."

my monitor is working perfectly fine and those lines are cosmetic indeed but im afraid they might be a sign for something greater.. the lines are very sharp and obvious on brighter colours like green blue or red. its still in warranty so i wanna use that warranty in smth useful.
Sep 26, 2024
The lines may or may not be a sign of something greater or worse waiting to happen.

In any case, there is an apparent defect and you should return the monitor for a warranty replacement.
the weird thing is i havent touched that monitor. its clean and no scratches or fall damage