Small Issue with GTX960


Apr 22, 2013
Dear all,

I recently got myself a GTX960 ( 10 days ago )and I play ESO Tamrial Unlimited. I have noticed a small issue which I want to clarify here.

My current Rig -

CPU - FX8350
GPU - GTX960
PSU - 600W Tagan
RAM - 16GB

When I use my horse mount( as the horse appears ) I see very tiny pixel(dots) outlines of the horse during the time frame between me pressing the mount button and the horse mount fully appearing.

Same is the case when I dismount as well. These very tiny pixels outlining the horse appears and disappears in micro seconds as the horse appears and reappears.

I earlier had a GTX660 and did not see these tiny dots appearing when using it. Any reasons for this? Is my GPU faulty? The game seems to work perfect apart from this minor issue.

All other games like WoW and Dota2 work fine.

Thanks a lot for your inputs.
Its the latest driver from Nvidia. :) Enclosed some links below with screen shots. Please ignore the large file size. As you guys can see, there are micro dots in the Horse. Screenshots will explain what im talking about. Please help me. Im worried if my GPU has some issue.

write nvidia... good luck with that though. You know when Assassins' Creed Black Flag came out (a nvidia gameworks title btw) there were all sorts of glitches on nvidia hardware. last i checked random textures still show up "pink" in that game, several years later

Just because nvidia drivers are rumored to be "better" then AMD drivers, doesn't mean they're flawless

As for your graphic glitch, you can always try older nvidia drivers, however you're going to be limited by the newness of that card for how far back you can try. one of the older drivers might work better. heck try the drivers that shipped with the gpu.

100% certain the errors you're getting are drive related.

the reason you didn't get that error before is because your 960 is a completely different gpu architecture which means the drivers needed to render that game are different from your older 660.