Smell After Upgrading GPU To a GTX 1080?


Aug 26, 2016
I noticed the past 2 nights after playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, that I could sort of smell my GPU get hot. I touched where the HDMI outputs are and indeed it was fairly hot to the touch. I have the recommended PSU and have read that this is actually normal sometimes at first. Is there anything I should worry about?
Give it a week but it might be the heatsink they used, it might also be something that was left over from the manufacturing process that should go away like a new car smell. If it doesn't go away you might just be sensitive to the thermal conduction process going on in the card.

It is the Nvidia Founders Edition GTX 1080 8 GBVram. If it makes any sense, I could smell the heat, I took off all the plastic on it. It didnt smell like burning rubber or metal though
Give it a week but it might be the heatsink they used, it might also be something that was left over from the manufacturing process that should go away like a new car smell. If it doesn't go away you might just be sensitive to the thermal conduction process going on in the card.