Question Smoke out of the GPU

Jun 26, 2023
Hi i spilled water 3 hours ago on my pc and i turned it off,wiped liquid and let it sit for 2 hours…After that i attempted to turn on my PC but smoke was coming out of my pc and i suspect it is the gpu because i can smell most of the smoke smell coming out of it🤣.Question is what shoud i do and is there any way to fix this? GPU is Zotac 1070ti Amp Extreme
Jun 20, 2023
find somebody who does board and gpu repairing near you if you can't find it near you look online and mail them your gpu for repair. i would love to see front side of the gpu without heatsink i might be able to tell if it can be fixed or no picture should be in goood quality
Jun 26, 2023
find somebody who does board and gpu repairing near you if you can't find it near you look online and mail them your gpu for repair. i would love to see front side of the gpu without heatsink i might be able to tell if it can be fixed or no picture should be in goood quality
Im sorry but i dont know how to take of heatsink
Jun 20, 2023
so you think this can be fixed?
Yes. if the main gpu chip is not dead it's worth getting it repair the smoke probably came from power mosfet or controller maybe there's many small youtuber who made videos on repairing pcb. i mean actual repair none of that oven <Mod Edit> stuff. you can check some of them (Tech Cemetery, northbridge fix, TheCod3r) some of them also accept mail too you can send them if you want
Jun 20, 2023
It could be memory or mosfet or inductor. you can try to get it repair but if you don't want to repair it sell it online as faulty card. repair technician will buy it from you for cheap price and will use this for parts to fix others card
Jun 26, 2023
It could be memory or mosfet or inductor. you can try to get it repair but if you don't want to repair it sell it online as faulty card. repair technician will buy it from you for cheap price and will use this for parts to fix others card
So is it worth repairing and how much whoud it approximately cost?


Jan 6, 2018
I'm going to be real honest with you.

That GPU is toasted, and getting it fixed probably isn't worth it.

More than likely, the part burnt up due to other parts going bad as well. Finding and replacing all those parts is a time-consuming job that requires that you not only have proper diagnostic equipment, but also a spare functioning GPU of the exact make and model to assist in the troubleshooting (and you will need some mean soldering skills as well).

You are way better off to just buy a new GPU and replacing it instead.
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Time for a new computer. I would think you toasted the MB too, depending on how much water. If its just the GPU, remove the GPU , let it try out and see if it works wtih onboard video only.

might got luck, but I"m thinking you toasted multiple parts.

Good news is once you build a new machine, you will have a NEW machine and keep liquids away!
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