Question So does anyone know a good sound recorder for your PC then?

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Nov 17, 2021
So I used to use a PC sound recorder called Free Sound Recorder. It was the best. The interface was not too big. The interface was not too small. It was not this big complicated thing like Audacity. It didn't take long to load. It didn't make the computer slow. When you press record, you can hold down the record button before you press it, that way you have a more practical chance of recording in the exact spot that you want to record it then. When you press record, it actually pretty much recorded right where you wanted, unlike some otehr softwares that don't record in the exact spot that you want it to record then. And one of the best things about this software, is before you press record, you can actually make the quality of your audio better, becuase they had this boost option. And then last but not least, this thing was free.

I can't use this software on my new computer. If anyone knows how to get it to work on my new computer, please let me know, I would rather use this then any of the other crappy pc recording softwares.

In the mean time, since I can't get this software to work on my new computer, I need another one. I have tried so many. You have no idea. And no matter how many I try, they always have something questionable about them. None of them have all the qualities of this one. So if you reccomend any of them, please ask yourself does it have all the things that I wrote. I need something that would work for Windows 11 then.
Why can't you use the old one? Have you tried installing it as an administrator, and then running it as an administrator, or running it in compatibility mode? Windows 11 is essentially brand new and widespread adoption has yet to occur, as does widespread release of updated versions for many programs out there, so it's probably unlikely you are going to find a sound recorder with everything, exactly as you want it, that was specifically created for Windows 11.

Honestly, I have yet to find an application that runs on the latest version of Windows 10 but doesn't run on Windows 11, although I'm sure there might be some, but if so it's not on the radar so to speak when it comes to discussions about any problems with 11.
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I used to use this program called DBase III, and it worked great but I couldn't get it to work on newer PC's so instead of wasting time, I found other programs that worked and I adapted. I would suggest the same.
Audacity is an easy one, and not complicated and a good learning experience and good for your growth.
Why can't you use the old one? Have you tried installing it as an administrator, and then running it as an administrator, or running it in compatibility mode? Windows 11 is essentially brand new and widespread adoption has yet to occur, as does widespread release of updated versions for many programs out there, so it's probably unlikely you are going to find a sound recorder with everything, exactly as you want it, that was specifically created for Windows 11.

Honestly, I have yet to find an application that runs on the latest version of Windows 10 but doesn't run on Windows 11, although I'm sure there might be some, but if so it's not on the radar so to speak when it comes to discussions about any problems with 11.
This question devolves from this thread:
Audacity is still the free best; perhaps you could spend a few minutes learning how to do what you want. First, you don't have to worry about when to press the Record button. You just press it and after you're done recording you move your cursor to where you want your final recording to start, click Select, Region, Track Start to Cursor. This highlights the excess before where you want your recording to start and then you just delete it. The same goes for deleting the excess at the end of your recording. As for the boost option, you just select-all your recording, click Effect, Normalize and your recording is boosted. Its that simple and only takes a few tries to understand how to achieve the features you want.
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