So i have build a gaming pc arround 2months ago and now im getting a dram led contstantly so i dont get display help pls


Aug 24, 2016
Specs:i5:6500 msi b150a gaming pro msi gtx 1060 gaming x 16 gb corsair vengeance 2133mhz cx550watt 1000gb seagate. on my motherboard th dram led is flashing constantly and im not getting any display help please thx
Have you tried to re-seat the RAM? If not take it out and re-seat them properly, It's possible they aren't fully locked in.

Another possibility is that the motherboard RAM slots are faulty now.
> Switch the power supply off and disconnect the power cable. Leave it that way for 10-20 seconds, reconnect and switch the power supply on. See if the error still persists.

> Tried loosening the screws attached to the motherboard a bit, if they are screwed in very tightly?