Question So I went to an AOC store and told them I want to see the difference between 60hz and 144hz

Apr 7, 2020
The salesman smiled and told me other than a frame or two of difference when gaming they are just the same and that I shouldn't waste money on a 144hz. To his credit not a single monitor in the shop is making 144hz a selling point.

I am using an vintage AOC monitor that takes more than 5s to light up but other than that it works fine. Maybe I really shouldn't be looking for new monitors.
Really? He said that? I'm sorry but 60Hz to 144Hz is one amazing difference. The salesman didn't know what he was talking about. Wouldn't be the first time a salesman doesn't know what he is selling and what kind of salesman push people away from a sales?

If you have the GPU power to push 144 fps at the resolution you're playing your games a 144Hz compared to a 60Hz monitor is like night and day.

Should see Doom Eternal at 144Hz/144fps 1440p.


Is that eyes issues or something? How can someone not see the difference between 60Hz and 144Hz? Just dragging a window on the desktop and you can see the difference.
There's a reason there's so much debate over it. There are folks who can tell 240hz even with a blind test, though some will say they're full of it for already existing reasons.
I can tell 60-120. Higher than that? Heck no - but I think that's most people... maybe.