Sochi World Olympics

Actually, you're right, Ry.
IMO, we shouldn't have sent athletes their. Neither in Beijing.

If we want to be at the level of values ​​that we claim to defend, we must have the courage of our opinions.
I speak of perversion because it is an open secret that the Olympic Committees sell their votes.
And as for the games of 1936, I have a great difficulty not seeing a form of propaganda in the opening ceremonies and closing.
Without speaking of proven facts of cheating and corruption of referees.
Far from the original olympic values...

But it's just my opinion, i may be wrong. Or not 😀

That is one problem there is the Black Widow Women who are potential killers and terrorists.

Between the embarrassing hotel situation (or lack of a hotel for the Olympic athletes), constant terrorist threats, and recent anti-gay movements, Russia is already off to an awesome start. Personally, "secure" is not a word that I could use to describe the situation in Russia right now.

C'mon... stop watching CNN for a while, you'll see it's not that dangerous.

Do you know that no country but america is complaining about security in Sotch ?
And if you (america) REALLY think it's an unsafe place: why sending athletes there ?

Yeah, What the gropouce said!

Why should we Americans actually feign personal concern anyway?

In the end no matter what happens, we'll all be glad it wasn't us!

You can say what you will, but deep inside yourself, that's what you'll really feel!

By the way?, Wouldn't it be ironic if some French athletes got hurt there?

Nothing "personal", no.
Ironic, i don't know...
That would make me laugh.

I'm not complaining about security, but that doesn't mean i support those games.
I don't want this kind of perverted olympic games.
Pierre De Coubertin wouldn't be proud of us.

Then why are the French sending athletes there? :??:

Just joking don't go ballistic on me! :lol:

What do you mean by perverted games?


I haven't read much on the security for the Olympic athletes, so really I'm unsure if it is safe or unsafe for them. Putin did address the safety concerns and noted recent terrorist attacks across the globe during such events. My thought is that if Putin addressed the concern, then there must either be sufficient evidence for the concern of safety, or there must be enough concern among media, participants, etc., to warrant its address. However, it is safe to say that is would be unsafe for anyone that is not heterosexual.

I am curious though... Why would you refer to them as "perverted olympic games"?
Actually, you're right, Ry.
IMO, we shouldn't have sent athletes their. Neither in Beijing.

If we want to be at the level of values ​​that we claim to defend, we must have the courage of our opinions.
I speak of perversion because it is an open secret that the Olympic Committees sell their votes.
And as for the games of 1936, I have a great difficulty not seeing a form of propaganda in the opening ceremonies and closing.
Without speaking of proven facts of cheating and corruption of referees.
Far from the original olympic values...

But it's just my opinion, i may be wrong. Or not 😀


Thanks for that! as That's a very good point!

Then you can understand that you cannot as an individual speak for your country's actions and neither can any of us as well.

We can all throw in our 2 cents as individuals, but it stops there, as it takes more than one to affect change.

In that respect it makes us different but a lot more alike than you may think. :)


I know that.
There's nothing personnal and/or accusing when i speak like this, it's just a wrong way to build sentences.

But thank you, you enlighted me...i know i have to pay attention if i don't want to think something and say another thing.


It's good to have varying opinions, it helps us view a subject through others eyes, and maybe entertain the idea of looking at it from another perspective.

I respect your opinion, it would help, if you clarify exactly why the Olympic attendance, seem to disgust you to a certain extent.

I mean we've gone from security to not attending period?

I totally agree the Olympic values have changed!

Well, only a couple more days left for the Olympics and no reports of attacks. Seems like the Russians have done a good job.

I've really enjoyed watching the games. I was especially glad that they actually aired the biathlon! Now that's a competition that goes to the root of the Olympic games, skiing and shooting, how can you not enjoy that! The snowboard cross and ski cross was also pretty exciting, love watching the wipe-outs!
Arrichion, also called Arrachion, of Phigalia, was a pankratiast who lived in the sixth century BC. He won Olympic victories in 572 and 568 BC. In 564 BC he reached the finals for the third time. At the end of a close-fought match, he was held by his opponent in an iron stranglehold. He could not make any move. On that moment his trainer shouted, according to the story, "What a fine funeral if you do not submit at Olympia". The prospect of an honourable death prompted Arrichion to use a temporary weakening of his opponent's hold to dislocate his foot with a kick of his right leg. To make this manoeuvre more effective, he casted his body to the left. Because of the unbearable pain, the opponent made the sign of submission to the umpires.

During this manoeuvre of Arrichion, however, the opponent still held Arrichion's neck in a stranglehold. Because of Arrichion's sudden move, his neck broke, more or less like the neck of someone who is hung. Death was immediate, caused by the broken neck and not by suffocation, as Pausanias says. Before a man dies of suffocation he is unconscious for a while.

Although he was dead, Arrichion and not his opponent was proclaimed victor, because his opponent had submitted.

The story goes that both Cruegas and Damaxenos were so evenly matched that their scheduled fight during the Nemean games that it risked going on into the night. As the sun was setting both boxers stopped fighting and turned to the crowd to make an unusual request. With no foreseeable end to their fight and not wishing to tire themselves out any further, both men agreed to stand and take a single, undefended blow from the other. Since sport back in Ancient Greece was way more badass than it is today, the judges and crowd agreed and both men were given a few moments to prepare.

Demoxenos, in a bold move, opted to go second, effectively giving his opponent a free unguarded shot at his face. Luckily Damoxenos had a chin to match his set of cast iron balls and Cruegas’ punch, though painfully direct, didn’t faze him in the slightest.

After delivering his own punch Cruegas stood patiently awaiting the swift, fist-shaped retribution of his foe to connect with his eye socket, only it never came. Much to the surprise of the crowd, rather than taking the chance to punch Cruegas back as hard as he could in the face, Demoxenos instead asked him to raise his arm so he could get a clean shot at his kidneys.

Now this is where $#!+ got metal, Demoxenos, rather than delivering a hook or uppercut, opted instead to extend his fingers, then, with all of the force he could muster thrust them straight through Cruegas’ ribcage and tore out his freaking intestines! Did you read that? Demoxenos punched straight through a man’s ribcage and tore out his guts. That’s the kind of thing you’d see in a cheap horror movie, not a boxing match. Holy crap, so Demoxenos obviously won, right? How do you top killing your opponent by using the freaking touch of death? We wouldn’t be surprised after reading this if Demoxenos won the next Olympics just in case. But alas, no, Demoxenos didn’t win, he was instead disqualified. Presumably because the judges were unaware that they were dealing with goddamn Kratos from the God of War series and were at full rish of being beaten to death with a sack filled with their own eyes!

You see, according to the judges, Demoxenos had broken the agreement he and Cruegas had made, as they deemed each of his fingers, you know, those things he’d just used to give a guy surgery, counted as a different unguarded blow, therefore, Cruegas was the winner by default. No one saw fit to point out that Cruegas had also used his fingers to punch Demoxenos and that he’d done considerably less damage with them, but the decision was final. Cruegas was declared the winner, then again, Demoxenos got the better statue, so we think we know who the real winner is. The guy who brought a Mortal Kombat to life before Mortal Kombat existed, that’s who.

Remind me again why we got rid of wrestling?