Software for testing motherboards?


Aug 24, 2016
I have an all-new build and I'm using an ASUS z170 pro gaming motherboard. I was just wondering if there was any recommended software or methods for testing the motherboard for errors in general. ASUS customer service told me that they don't have any official or recommended software for this purpose.

I was experiencing some artifacts in battlefield 3 which is odd because it's an older game. I've already ran tests on my gpu, cpu and memory.
There is no way to check the motherboard specifically. You have to rule out everything else.

What kind of artifacts are you getting? How did you "test" the GPU?
The fact that everything else works fine (including the system itslef) means the motherboard should not be an issue.
I'm getting artifacts on textures, mostly the ground where large segments are blocky or black, flickering with change in distance.

I tested my gpu with furmark and with ocscannerx which is provided from EVGA with registration. The cpu I tested with coretemp64 and I ran Prime95.

There was also an issue with the motherboard when I edited BIOS where it stopped recognizing my SSD, but I switched the SATA port to slot 1 and it's fine now. That's what makes me a little nervous.