M mich_30 Distinguished Sep 14, 2010 1 0 18,510 Sep 14, 2010 #1 ive just downloaded super mario games for pc and windows does not reconise the file type
gwb56 Distinguished Jun 18, 2009 78 0 18,640 Sep 14, 2010 #2 mich_30, hello. I have just downloaded and installed and installed Mario Forever to test it on Vista. it works perfectly. There are more of the games on this webste... http://www.mariobrothersonline.net/mario-downloads/index.php cheers...Garry
mich_30, hello. I have just downloaded and installed and installed Mario Forever to test it on Vista. it works perfectly. There are more of the games on this webste... http://www.mariobrothersonline.net/mario-downloads/index.php cheers...Garry