Pyree's Answer Led Me in the Right Direction: "start>right click computer>manage>storage>disk management and extend your volume.
I saw that 621 GIGS were Unallocated, because of a Mistake, Staples Tech made when it Updated my New Computer From a Vista OS to a Windows 7 OS, 3 years ago. So, now, I Had to First Format the Unallocated, and Now I believe I will Need Either Disk Director or Acronis to Re Partiton, and move some of my F Drive to My C & D Drives.
I saw that 621 GIGS were Unallocated, because of a Mistake, Staples Tech made when it Updated my New Computer From a Vista OS to a Windows 7 OS, 3 years ago. So, now, I Had to First Format the Unallocated, and Now I believe I will Need Either Disk Director or Acronis to Re Partiton, and move some of my F Drive to My C & D Drives.