Soldering a Circuitboard, wrong size tip, adapting?

Sep 4, 2018
Im sorry if this isnt the right place to ask. Just delete the thread and give me a warning if so. i didnt tag it so it comes up under every searchword :) Obviously a soldering forum would be alpha but ive gotten good advice here and since im soldering on a circuit board similar to what you do in computers, i figured that there would be some soldering-ninjas around here :)

Long intro for a short question :
I have a flat tip solder tip that isnt really native to the iron i am using atm. The iron has a 4,8mm insert and the tip i want to use is 4,2mm aprox. Can i wrap a thin layer of aluminum foil around the tip or will that melt or short the iron?
Why not just purchase what you need and do it right? Nothing worse and more frustrating than trying to do something like that and have to rig it that way.