Question Soldering Repair

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Jan 11, 2018
A while back I was working on a project that went bad and had no interest in trying to resolve it until now.

I was soldering a wire to an IC with very thin legs. Solder wasn't bonding and I ended up burning the leg off. ***
Now I would like to attempt to repair the chip but want some advice. I can't buy a new IC, this one isnt commerically available.

Whats the best way to remove a small amount of the plastic/epoxy package so I can solder a wire in place of the missing leg?

***it wasn't bonding because I was using and never learned how to use lead free solder. I swore it was leaded but after reading a third time saw it was lead free...
Depending on the scale we're talking, just a very steady hand and a dremel for most of it (take your time, go slow), with the smallest sanding bit you can get your hands on. Fresh scalpel blade(s) for the very last bits, if there are any. Not so much for scraping, but for using the tip to bend the very last bits of epoxy resin out of the way of the leg.

If there is even a smidge of the leg left, I'd try my luck just soldering to that with an appropriately thin/pliable wire.

Regardless it's going to suck and I wish you good luck :)
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