Question Solely keyboard and mouse not working

Dec 29, 2021
Hi, (check linked videos)
Peripheral vid
Peripheral vid 2

Since a fortnight ago my keyboard and mouse haven’t been working on boot and startup screen. Meaning I can’t access BIOS, safe mode, recovery mode, etc. bricked essentially.

I took my graphics tablet to a friends house and we proceeded to install open software and custom drivers for it on his PC.

Upon taking it home and plugging it in I assume my PC has been signalled by the tablet to launch his open software and drivers (which I don’t have) thus corrupting my mouse and keyboard drivers (?).

My microphone and all charging cables work on each port. Upon plugging my keyboard and mouse in, there LED’s will turn on for 2-3 seconds than proceed to turn off.

I managed to access BIOS, still no luck. I also installed a windows boot media device and attempted to reset windows but mouse keyboard don’t work there either.

My mouse and keyboard work on other devices.

Anomalies: for some reason, upon plugging in other things the mouse will turn its LED’s on and shut off again after 2-4 seconds. It also reacts this way when I flick the on and off switch for my speaker, which isn’t even powered by the computer or connected to it.

Things I’ve tried that haven’t worked:
  • 2 other mouses and keyboards
  • Reseating all PC parts including CMOS
  • thorough clean
  • releasing static electricity

System specs:
Motherboard: Z390 Plus
CPU: i5 9600k
RAM: Kingston 16GB (2x8) 3600mhz
PSU: Corsair 550W Bronze Cert.
GPU: Zotac GTX 166
Storage: 250gb m.2, 250gb Kingston SSD, 500gb Hardrive
Corsair is the brand of the PSU, while 550W is the advertised wattage of the unit, can you share the model of the unit? You can try and see if reinstalling your chipset/USB drivers helps in any way. On a side note, what version(not edition) of Windows 10 are you working with? That keyboard looks like the One2Mini, have you tried using said peripherals on a donor system to rule out the firmware's on both peripherals being...em, wiped?

I think you meant to say GTX1660, as opposed to GTX166...Nvidia never made a GTX166 GPU :)

Thanks for the reply, I’m not exactly sure what the model number of the PSU is. My windows version is a slightly tweaked 1909 (forced updates off, certain services off, latency optimisations etc.) My windows version had been working fine for the last 6-8 months and I’ve never ran into anything remotely similar. and yes, I meant 1660, that typo is blatantly obvious mate 😭

Also, how do I install chipset/usb drivers with no mouse, keyboard, or donor system. I only have access to an old MacOS High Sierra.

Yesterday, I ended up getting a wireless mouse to work during windows setup/reset screen, one of those ones with the USB dongle. I was excited, but I couldn’t install windows until my drives were back in. So i shutdown and reseated my drives, only to realise I can’t get to that screen unless all bootable drives are physically unplugged as I can’t internally change their boot priority.

Also, the keyboard is in fact a One2Mini
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Corsair is the brand of the PSU, while 550W is the advertised wattage of the unit, can you share the model of the unit? You can try and see if reinstalling your chipset/USB drivers helps in any way. On a side note, what version(not edition) of Windows 10 are you working with? That keyboard looks like the One2Mini, have you tried using said peripherals on a donor system to rule out the firmware's on both peripherals being...em, wiped?

I think you meant to say GTX1660, as opposed to GTX166...Nvidia never made a GTX166 GPU :)
The PSU is the Bronze CX550M by Corsair
What might have changed since all was well?
I might suspect a windows update related to usb support.
Can you try different usb ports? Normally usb3.0 will not work without a driver. (catch 22)
Usb2.0 may work.

Does your motherboard have a ps/2 connector?
Can you try a ps/2 keyboard or adapter?
What might have changed since all was well?
I might suspect a windows update related to usb support.
Can you try different usb ports? Normally usb3.0 will not work without a driver. (catch 22)
Usb2.0 may work.

Does your motherboard have a ps/2 connector?
Can you try a ps/2 keyboard or adapter?
i have no USB 2.0 slots on my motherboard, only case and they don’t work either.

I ordered ps2-usb adapters last night

If it was something OS related then peripherals should still work in BIOS and the Windows setup screen.

yet all other devices work but mice and keyboards
This is very odd. I don't see how trying to launch software would affect anything just not would happen . Windows will only auto install drivers with digital certificates. Nothing really makes sense. The fact it worked in system setup points to a driver issue. UEFI (bios) uses your windows drivers.

PS/2 is the for sure way since it goes thru a different protocol. Only problem is most new peripherals have dropped PS/2 protocols. If your mouse doesn't you need an "active" adapter, which are only for gamers dumb enough to speed $60 on. Just so your mouse imput will be 15ms faster.

Just go buy a $10 PS/2 mouse from Walmart. Always good to have just incase something ridiculous like this happens.

That graphics tablet wouldn't happen to be a Wacom, would it? If so you might be right about the drivers being corrupted. It just from not ejecting the device before unplugging.

Have you tried booting in safe mood? There is a way to get it in Automatic Repair mode with no peripherals. It just might not work.

If Windows 10 fails to boot normally three times over, the fourth time, it enters by default in an Automatic Repair mode. Using this mode, you can boot into Safe Mode. To trigger the Automatic Repair mode, you must interrupt the normal boot process three consecutive times: use the Restart or the Power button on your Windows 10 PC to stop it during boot, before it finishes loading Windows 10. If you use the Power button, you might have to keep it pressed for at least 4 seconds to force the power off. When Windows 10 enters the Automatic Repair mode, the first thing you see is a screen that tells you that the operating system is “Preparing Automatic Repair.”
Windows really suck with drivers.

I have an MSI X370 with USB-C port on the back i/o. It took me about a year and half to finale get it to work properly. I don't need to have to have it, its just the fact
of it not working. Plus if I add want to use a External with it. Been searching forum to see if anyone had a similar problem never found any post. I've had tried different chipset drivers and bios, noting. I tried getting windows to search for updated drives, always said I had the most recent. I got some trail driver update program accidently installed. I missed where it said it was gonna install it when I was Installing another application. Decided to try it, noticed all USB drivers need update. So I manually searched and yep windows has been telling me <Mod Edit> for years. Windows gave my Usb devices default drivers from 2006 and wouldn't ever update them
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