Solid FPS, something happens and a fps drop occur but goes back to normal

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Dec 15, 2016
Hi, for example playing league of legends, i can get 60 fps with max settings 1080p, but when something appears in screen, like a ward or something, the fps sometimes drop and they go back to 60.. it is really annoying. Anything i can do? shouldn't be happening, temps are great.
i7 6700HQ 960M 4GB 8gb ddr3 1TB hdd 5400rpm hybrid

thank you for yor reply. yes, i have tried and it still happens. should not happen in high settings either, LoL is not demanding and should run just great on a 960M, i7 6700HQ. (not a high end laptop but more than enough for LoL)

could you tell me a program that does this? how could i get the data if i don't have a monitor to check it when playing? to know the exact moment when it happens

just downloaded Battlefield 4, not a new game but surely more demanding than LoL. I could get 40+ FPS with no drops on ultra, and 60+ on medium/high, 1080p. Fans were much louder than in LoL, so it is not overheating with LoL
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