Solution for \ BIOS disk error


Jan 27, 2012
When there is a Restart required after a software upgrade, the BIOS on my system (Win 7/64) will go to an external HDD (I have three for storage and backup). If I force it off and go into the BIOS on startup, it will show any of the other three HDD's in the boot priority. I reset the priority to the correct drive, save and start (repeat this process several times) and finally it will start from the correct HDD. I thought it might be the CMOS battery but with a new battery in place I still ran into this. This system (HP desktop) is less than a year old. I have spent several "visits" with their tech but nobody has solved this yet. Where do I look?
FYI: Apparently I wasn't stating it clearly: the BIOS was resetting itself to boot from one of the other HD's. Also, finally a solution from HP was (1) download a BIOS update that I wasn't aware of, and (2) cut back on the # of HD's operating as external HD's through the USB ports. So far, working OK.