A aatech Honorable Mar 14, 2012 3 0 10,510 Mar 15, 2012 #1 my computer detect wireless and is asking for password what can i do to enter without security
Saga Lout Retired Mod Mar 31, 2010 24,042 308 69,740 Mar 15, 2012 #2 Hello and welcome to Tom's Hardware Forums. You can't enter without the key but here's a link to the Sticky Post on this subject. http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/38111-18-find-change-wireless-security The information in there only works if you have access to the router and that usually means it is your own router. Hacking into other peoples' networks is, of course, illegal. Please post back if you need more advice. Upvote 0 Downvote
Hello and welcome to Tom's Hardware Forums. You can't enter without the key but here's a link to the Sticky Post on this subject. http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/38111-18-find-change-wireless-security The information in there only works if you have access to the router and that usually means it is your own router. Hacking into other peoples' networks is, of course, illegal. Please post back if you need more advice.