[SOLVED] [SOLVED] DMS59 to DVI-I to VGA, will it work?

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Oct 17, 2021
TL;DR: DMS-59 to DVI-I Dual Link to VGA, will it work? AMD HD 6350 to HP P191

so i just purchased a HP's AMD HD 6350 which has a DMS-59 connector, which i wanted to connect it to a vga monitor (hp p191)

my initial plan is:
from GPU, DMS-59 > DMS-59 to DVI-I (Y-Splitter) > DVI-I to VGA > to Monitor

Btw, it's a DVI-I Dual Link

Anyone has tried this? Does it work?


Or, a more simple way:

from GPU, DMS-59 > DMS-59 to VGA (Y-Splitter) > to Monitor


I really hope the first plan will work, as 'DMS-59 to VGA' connector is literally 2x the 'DMS-59 to DVI-I and DVI-I to VGA' connectors price (in my country, Indonesia)

I've read a little, most dvis are digital, and most vgas are analog. So, i'm a little bit sad and skeptical about my initial plan.

Thank you, sorry if the post is too long, i want to provide as much info as i can.
TL;DR: DMS-59 to DVI-I Dual Link to VGA, will it work? AMD HD 6350 to HP P191

so i just purchased a HP's AMD HD 6350 which has a DMS-59 connector, which i wanted to connect it to a vga monitor (hp p191)

my initial plan is:
from GPU, DMS-59 > DMS-59 to DVI-I (Y-Splitter) > DVI-I to VGA > to Monitor

Btw, it's a DVI-I Dual Link

Anyone has tried this? Does it work?


Or, a more simple way:

from GPU, DMS-59 > DMS-59 to VGA (Y-Splitter) > to Monitor


I really hope the first plan will work, as 'DMS-59 to VGA' connector is literally 2x the 'DMS-59 to DVI-I and DVI-I to VGA' connectors price (in my country, Indonesia)

I've read a little, most dvis are digital, and most vgas are analog. So, i'm a little bit sad and...
TL;DR: DMS-59 to DVI-I Dual Link to VGA, will it work? AMD HD 6350 to HP P191

so i just purchased a HP's AMD HD 6350 which has a DMS-59 connector, which i wanted to connect it to a vga monitor (hp p191)

my initial plan is:
from GPU, DMS-59 > DMS-59 to DVI-I (Y-Splitter) > DVI-I to VGA > to Monitor

Btw, it's a DVI-I Dual Link

Anyone has tried this? Does it work?


Or, a more simple way:

from GPU, DMS-59 > DMS-59 to VGA (Y-Splitter) > to Monitor


I really hope the first plan will work, as 'DMS-59 to VGA' connector is literally 2x the 'DMS-59 to DVI-I and DVI-I to VGA' connectors price (in my country, Indonesia)

I've read a little, most dvis are digital, and most vgas are analog. So, i'm a little bit sad and skeptical about my initial plan.

Thank you, sorry if the post is too long, i want to provide as much info as i can.
According to Wikipedia -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMS-59#/media/File:DMS59_pinout.svg
The DMS-59 has pins for analog VGA.
They make a direct cable -- https://www.amazon.com/DMS-59-Female-Splitter-Video-Adapter/dp/B00JE6U5CY
Will your implementation work? It should but, any specific cheap "I got one for 2 bucks" cable has no guarantee of working.
According to Wikipedia -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMS-59#/media/File:DMS59_pinout.svg
The DMS-59 has pins for analog VGA.
They make a direct cable -- https://www.amazon.com/DMS-59-Female-Splitter-Video-Adapter/dp/B00JE6U5CY
Will your implementation work? It should but, any specific cheap "I got one for 2 bucks" cable has no guarantee of working.

ooh so dvi-i could carry both analog and digital? then i have big hopes for my 'dvi-i to vga' plan.

Big thanks, man.
Have a great day.
There are 3 flavors of DVI. Only two are really in the wild. DVI-A means analog. It's a DVI end, but only has analog pins. It's super pointless and exists probably only on the drawing board. I've never seen one in real life. DVI -D means digital. This is currently the only DVI found on current gen GPUs, if it even has DVI at all. AMD and Nvidia dropped all analog signals from their GPU outputs 2 or 3 gens ago. DVI-I was the most common a decade ago. These are the ports most are familiar with. They carry a digital and analog signal. If you have one of those cheap DVI to VGA adapters that came with a GPU 10+ years ago, it only works with these DVI-I ports.

so dvi-i could carry both analog and digital?

DVI-I has the pins to carry both an analog and digital signal. The digital signal is carried on the many pins, the analog signal is on the 4 pins around the big flat blade. DVI-D lacks these so no analog for you. I'm not sure what you are plugging into what, but look at the ports and cables carefully. If all the holes and pins are there it should be super simple to make this work.
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