Question SOLVED File sharing problem with three Windows 10 machines ?


Apr 16, 2011


Apr 16, 2011
I'm not sure this is the case, but sometimes if two systems have the same local username with different passwords this can happen. If you have a different user account with credentials I'd suggest trying to use that.
A noble and valiant reply. I hesitate because been using same owner name for years. Would like to see if any other suggestions before trying that, I do appreciate any and all help. Thank you.
A noble and valiant reply. I hesitate because been using same owner name for years. Would like to see if any other suggestions before trying that, I do appreciate any and all help. Thank you.
There's nothing wrong with adding another user account, you don't even need to use it for anything other than local access. It's a simple thing to test and if it doesn't work you can delete it afterwards.
Yeah I wouldn't change anything you're doing currently at all just create a new user/pw on the system you're having problems accessing. If you're able to access it with the new one just save those credentials for file sharing, if not delete the new account.

I'm not sure what else would cause this conflict as I haven't seen it happen any other way.


Apr 16, 2011
A lot has happened since my last communication. Added user OWNER2 to Acer64 machine (the one with the access problems). Updated W10, ran disk cleanup, blah,blah. I don't think I can explain all this but it occurred to me to run the standard DISM/SFC /SCANNOW routines .. on all THREE machines.

Dell had problems that were fixed. ACER2 had problems that were fixed. Acer-64 (owner2) didn't have any, but that is a brand new account. Logged into Acer-64 as owner (again). Did the DISM etc ... no problems on Acer-64.

Went back to owner2 on Acer-64. If I'm not mistaken ... everything is working (I freekin hope) and I can simply delete user owner2 on Acer64.
Acer2 shares with Dell.
Acer2 shares with Acer64 (owner 2) (YAY). That was a problem in the beginning
Everything OK with Acer64 as OWNER2 YAY

Acer-64 (owner) shares with Dell
Acer-64 (owner) shares with Acer2

Conclusion (I think): Dell and Acer2 had DISM/SFC problems. Never was a problem with Ace-64 .... I THINK!!!!! Want to be sure ... so I will be back to mark thread as solved once I check it all out.

FAIL. Seems I'm back where I started. I am burnt out. Ran a network troubleshooter and there was some suggestion re: permissions, but I am out for the night. Sorry. CU tomorrow if I am lucky. Thanks for everything.
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Try comparing permissions via Powershell. Run as Admin.


More specifically:

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Test" -Recurse | Get-Acl

Cmd Get-ACL


= = = =

Just stay with "Gets" to get information.

Just replace the red fonted "C:\Test" with the applicable path names for the folders etc. that are not sharing.

Compare sucessful shares to failed shares.


Apr 16, 2011
Try comparing permissions via Powershell. Run as Admin.


More specifically:

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Test" -Recurse | Get-Acl

Cmd Get-ACL


= = = =

Just stay with "Gets" to get information.

Just replace the red fonted "C:\Test" with the applicable path names for the folders etc. that are not sharing.

Compare sucessful shares to failed shares.
Thank you Sir. You give me too much credit. Sounds lkike this is key to a solution, but way over my head. I am nowhere near your league. I will 'check it out' but have little confidence that I can make use of it. Thank you again.


You are welcome.

However, it is not over your head or otherwise.

There is no harm in looking and trying here. Even if things are not immediately clear or otherwise understood.

Or do not suceed at the first attempts.

(But do have all data backed up. :) )

And consider, as I always do, that something you discover may uncover some error of omission or commission on my part. That is also part of a mutual learning curve.

One of my favorite citations is from Alice in Wonderland:

Alice: “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”

The Cheshire Cat: “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.”

Alice: “I don’t much care where.”

The Cheshire Cat: “Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go.”

Alice: “…so long as I get somewhere.”

The Cheshire Cat: “Oh, you’re sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.”

Neat fact. You get to decide what/which way to go....


Apr 16, 2011
Alright, Sir. I will do my best.:unsure:
These machines have various versions of Powershell.
Wlndows App, ISE, (x86), ISE (x86). I used the one noted as Windows App (I have used Powershell maybe 3 times over several years)

All 3 machines returned the same information. Here is what I have done:

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Try the new cross-platform PowerShell

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd\
PS C:\> Get-Acl |Format-table -wrap


Path Owner Access
---- ----- ------
C:\ NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users Allow AppendData
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users Allow -536805376
BUILTIN\Administrators Allow FullControl
BUILTIN\Users Allow ReadAndExecute, Synchronize

PS C:\>

I gather I still have a long way to go since I have no clue what I am doing. FWIW, I am following what I found in your first instruction ... NOT the LINK you provided. Unfortunately, I just noticed you command examples. I think I better do this again with those specific commands. Was following usage rather than your recommendations. Sorry.
NOPE ... using your example returned a billion lines. Had to close Powershell in the middle of the listing. Lovely.
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Not suprising. I have to sometimes experiment a bit to work out a meaningful "Get".

Take for example:

Get-Acl |Format-table -wrap
My results (copy and paste)

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Acl |Format-table -wrap

Directory: C:\WINDOWS

Path Owner Access
---- ----- ------
system32 NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller CREATOR OWNER Allow 268435456
NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Allow Modify, Synchronize
BUILTIN\Administrators Allow 268435456
BUILTIN\Administrators Allow Modify, Synchronize
BUILTIN\Users Allow -1610612736
BUILTIN\Users Allow ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller Allow 268435456
NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller Allow FullControl
ReadAndExecute, Synchronize

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>
= = = =
Certainly different from your results. Which may be a clue in itself.

I ran the command at C:WINDOWS\System32. You ran the command at C:\

For the most part, if you are interested in such things, simply keep probing to discover some way that may reveal some difference(s) between the subject machines.

Plus, apologies, I may have gotten ahead of myself. User rights being a potential issue....

Please repost the Google "3 machines" images here but use imgur ( instead.

Take a look at the "Get-FileShare" cmdlets.


And remember to run Powershell as Admin.

Also make use of the "Copy" feature to avoid typos. Sometimes the Examples will be more productive than applying just the base cmdlet.

Be sure to note where you may need to edit in a specific computer name or other information specific to your systems.

Again my objective being to discover any differences between systems that are sharing versus systems that are not sharing. I.e. Dell, Acer2, and Acer-64

What are the exact machine names? I believe Dell, Acer2, and Acer-64. However, the naming is inconsistent. Your posts #7 and #9. Typo's?

= = = =


"NOPE ... using your example returned a billion lines. Had to close Powershell in the middle of the listing. Lovely."

Was that the Get-ACL cmdlet or Get-ChildItem etc.?



Apr 16, 2011
Going to BEG your forgiveness. I thought you might be done with me and think I might have to start over. The computer names are DELL-64, ACER-64, ACER2-64 taken from system information.
I run powershell as administrator in all (these) cases.

DELL-64 to ACER-64 calls for credentials but rejects them.
DELL-64 to ACER2-64 connects
ACER-64 to DELL-64 connects
ACER-64 to ACER2-64 connects
ACER2-64 to DELL-64 connects
ACER2-64 to ACER-64 throws error window:

I think I understand what we are trying to do .... compare respective machines' permissions using POWERSHELL (admin). The problem thus far, I have no clue where to start .... which machine(s), which folders, and what am I looking for exactly. I have never done any of this before. I have no doubt I will need step by step .... like telling a blind person how to make pancakes. Yes ... I started at C:\. Had no idea where to start. Still don't. Here is what I did, command for command (bold/italic):

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd\
PS C:\> Get-Acl |Format-table -wrap


Path Owner Access
---- ----- ------
C:\ NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users Allow AppendData
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users Allow -536805376
BUILTIN\Administrators Allow FullControl
BUILTIN\Users Allow ReadAndExecute, Synchronize

PS C:\>

I did this on each machine and each one returned the same thing you see here. I have no idea what I am to do next.


You are doing fine. Just consider it all a bit of a puzzle that we need to unravel.

Besides: someone else may chime in and point out some error of omission or commision on my part.

I have no problem with that....

= = = =

Permissions seem to be the issue.

However, I am still trying to narrow down what is specifically happening.

The two problems (rejects credentials and throws error) shares both involve ACER-64.....

Does Get-SmbShare work and provide a listing of shares?


Also if you run "net view" via the PS> prompt do the results mention SMB1 protocol?

= = = =

Example from my computer:

C:\WINDOWS\system32> net view
System error 384 has occurred.

You can't connect to the file share because it's not secure. This share requires the obsolete SMB1 protocol, which is unsafe and could expose your system to attack.
Your system requires SMB2 or higher. For more info on resolving this issue, see:

= = = =

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-SmbShare

Name ScopeName Path Description
---- --------- ---- -----------
ADMIN$ * C:\WINDOWS Remote Admin
C$ * C:\ Default share
Chicago-DVD * E:\
D$ * D:\ Default share
IPC$ * Remote IPC
T$ * T:\ Default share

Do you see any similar references to SMB1?

Also run the Get-SmbShare on all three computers.

Does the problem/some difference again seem to narrow down to Acer-64?

Take your time, be methodical.


Apr 16, 2011
You are doing fine. Just consider it all a bit of a puzzle that we need to unravel.
No one can criticize your attitude. Thank you.
The two problems (rejects credentials and throws error) shares both involve ACER-64.....
That's a good thing to know. I'm on that machine now. Important question: Does that mean all work from this point should be done on this machine ... or not necessarily????
Does Get-SmbShare work and provide a listing of shares?

Oh God. Not the smb saga. I need to splain something. I have a netgear gaming router with two USB ports .. and a rather large HD attached to each one. These drives are supposed to be 'plug and play' and most of the time they are. Once in a while (I don't know why) one or both disappear from the network. When this happens, here is what NETGEAR supprt told me:

computer configuration
administration templates
lanman workstation
enable insecure guest logon

run services.msc
function discovery provider host
function discovery resource publication
automatic Delayed both

Programs and Features
on/off Window Features

smb 1.0 filesharing and support on, all three options
Check NETWORK for READYSHARE presence.
If present, go back to Features and turn off everything under SMB 1.0 SMB here is not secure.

All this worked perfectly for years. Then, a couple of months ago, after a W10 MS update, started having problems (just about the time I discovered to turn ON password protection instead of keeping it off like I had been doing for years). To solve this 'new' problem, was instructed to turn ON the second option "client on" under SMB 1.0 and things have been fine until now these two problems with Acer-64. I THINK THIS HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH:



Does Get-SmbShare work and provide a listing of shares?
Here is what I got ACER-64:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Smbshare

Name ScopeName Path Description
---- --------- ---- -----------
IPC$ * Remote IPC
Users * C:\Users

Also if you run "net view" via the PS> prompt do the results mention SMB1 protocol?
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> net view
Server Name Remark

The command completed successfully.
Also run the Get-SmbShare on all three computers.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-SmbShare

Name ScopeName Path Description
---- --------- ---- -----------
IPC$ * Remote IPC
Users * C:\Users
WDElements * D:\
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-SmbShare

Name ScopeName Path Description
---- --------- ---- -----------
DellSSD * D:\ Dell Drive D
IPC$ * Remote IPC
Users * C:\Users
Hokay. I just looiked at it and ran screaming down the street. I'm back now.

Dell-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 PRO
Acer-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 PRO
Acer2-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 HOME

i hope this is helpful. It's about as meticulous as I can get.:)


Apr 16, 2011
I can only guess at how busy you could be. I'm good with waiting. Just checking in. Been thinking of a completely new W10 install on Acer-64. I expect that would fix the problem IF Acer-64 is the only machine that is messed up. What do you think??

1/2 SOLVED. No longer get:


Still some permission problems"
Acer2-64 to Acer-64 throws and rejects credentials
Acer2-64 to Dell-64 works fine
Acer-64 to Acer2-64 works fine
Acer-64 to Dell-64 works fine
Dell-64 to Acer2-64 works fine
Dell-64 to Acer-64 throws and rejects credentials
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I am not sure that a new W10 install on Acer-64 would solve the problem.

Especially if the problem is the permissions - if that is actually the problem....

Do all three computers have identical Windows Features settings (including SMB) with respect to the window you posted in Post #16?

Another way is to take a look at all three systems using "net share".

From my computer:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> net share

Share name Resource Remark

C$ C:\ Default share
T$ T:\ Default share
D$ D:\ Default share
IPC$ Remote IPC
ADMIN$ C:\WINDOWS Remote Admin
The command completed successfully.


If you run net share on all three computers is there some difference with respect to Acer-64?

= = = =

Also -regarding:

Dell-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 PRO
Acer-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 PRO
Acer2-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 HOME

Under most circumstances I would have expected Acer-64 to be different: i.e., being "HOME" versus "PRO".

Acer2-64 being the standout there. Have not been able to determine if the build number would be or should be different between PRO and HOME.

Key remains, I think, to identify what is different about Acer-64. Either directly on that computer or indirectly as the other two computes are configured to "see/share" with Acer-64.

I am taking a closer look at Get-ACL

In the meantime, double check the shares being seen or not seen by each computer.

To help:

Look at the properties.


Apr 16, 2011
I am not sure that a new W10 install on Acer-64 would solve the problem.

OK. Can reserve that for later if needed.

Especially if the problem is the permissions - if that is actually the problem....

Do all three computers have identical Windows Features settings (including SMB) with respect to the window you posted in Post #16?

Yes, Sir. SMB 1.x has 3 options. The middle one (#2) "client" is on.

Another way is to take a look at all three systems using "net share".

From my computer:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> net share

Share name Resource Remark

C$ C:\ Default share
T$ T:\ Default share
D$ D:\ Default share
IPC$ Remote IPC
ADMIN$ C:\WINDOWS Remote Admin
The command completed successfully.


If you run net share on all three computers is there some difference with respect to Acer-64?

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> net share

Share name Resource Remark

IPC$ Remote IPC
Users C:\Users
The command completed successfully.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> net share

Share name Resource Remark

IPC$ Remote IPC
Users C:\Users
WDElements D:\
The command completed successfully.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> net share

Share name Resource Remark
IPC$ Remote IPC
DellSSD D:\ Dell Drive D
Users C:\Users
The command completed successfully.
= = = =

Also -regarding:

Dell-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 PRO
Acer-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 PRO
Acer2-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 HOME

Under most circumstances I would have expected Acer-64 to be different: i.e., being "HOME" versus "PRO".
Dell-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 PRO
Acer-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 PRO
Acer2-64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208 W10 HOME




Acer2-64 being the standout there. Have not been able to determine if the build number would be or should be different between PRO and HOME.

Key remains, I think, to identify what is different about Acer-64. Either directly on that computer or indirectly as the other two computes are configured to "see/share" with Acer-64.

I am taking a closer look at Get-ACL

In the meantime, double check the shares being seen or not seen by each computer.

To help:

Look at the properties.
I would expect HOME to be different from PRO Don't know if I determined SHARES just right. Something doesn't look right ... but I'm not sure. I did a net share on each computer and pasted the results above. I guess I did it right. Thank you again for all the help. At least that one problem is solved.


Will set aside the build number.
= = = =

I set up some test folders on other network PC's giving full permissions to everyone.

Objective being to test / check for all the shares being hosted on any given computer.

Try this:

On each computer run net view \\**** where **** equals one of the other computers.

E.g.. On Acer-64 you would run

net view \\Acer2-64

net view \\Dell-64

Then the same for each of the other two computers.

Each result should show the shares available on the other computers.

Do you see all expected shares across the network?

Lots of "running around" unfortunately.

Seeing the shares is one thing. Verifying the permissions will be the next step.


Apr 16, 2011
Thank you so much for all you give. Something very important to tell you. I was browsing around 'looking at stuff'. On one of the computers, in Explorer/NETWORK are the networked devices ... 3 computers, 1 printer, and READYSHARE (supportint the two HDs connected to the router). I think I started with ACER-64. I clicked on it and got 2 folders ... Users and WDElements (HD connected USB to the Acer-64 machine.
At the top of this window are 3 items. Home Share View. I clicked Share. New options ... Remove access (grayed out) and Advanced Security. Clicked Adv Security. New Window titled Advanced Security Settings for Users. In this window, AMONG other things, are PERMISSION ENTRIES:

TYPE Principal Access Inherited from Applies to
Allow SYSTEM Full control None This folder, subfolders, files
Allow Administrators (ACER2-64\Administrators) Full control None "
Allow Users(ACER2-64\Users) Read & execute None "
Allow Everyone Read & execute None "

Thought to myself IS THIS WHAT WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR?? but, it gets worse because I looked around some more. When I got to ACER-64, it listed about 8 or more entries. All different Principals. This assured me ACER-64 is highly messed up. Right now, I am installing W10-64 on that machine from an .iso and keeping nothing. There is just no way I could describe the Principals listed. Obvious 'corruption' for lack of a better word. So, when this finishes, I will poliish up the install and get back to you. I could easily see straightening out permissions just on ACER-64 was going to be a long journey. I hope you are not disgusted.

EDIT: Sorry about the spacing up there Permission Entries. When I typed this, those headers went where they should be but posting crunched 'em together.


Not disgusted at all.

Permissions etc. are often problematic and a Acer-64 "do - over" may indeed be necessary.

I also suggest sketching out a diagram of your network and all devices.

Then append the shares provided by each device. The proverbial "big picture".

Easier to check off what is working and what is not working.

= = = =

Side note:

What router do you have? Leave things alone for now but router shares can be problematic. Any drive attached to my Linksys router notably slowed network performance.


Apr 16, 2011
Not disgusted at all.

Permissions etc. are often problematic and a Acer-64 "do - over" may indeed be necessary.

INDEED! This experience has also aquainted me with Certificates ... but don't need to go there right now. I am positive a truckload of original problems have been fixed once I discovered all the sharing power in Explorer. Acer-64 had a boat load of strange, unrecognized "Principals" (entries) while the other two machines listed only 3. At the moment Acer-64 is back up ANEW. Just checking things out ... so far so good. There is a possibility I will need to give either or both the other machines the same treatment .... fresh complete W10 install. Need to do a lot of lookin' around and see how it all looks together. Thank you for your amazing support, encouragement, and faith. Will be back "soon" with any updates/comments/question.

I also suggest sketching out a diagram of your network and all devices.

That should be interesting. Have networked 'devices' all over the place. Wyze security cameras, smart TV, sound bar, AlexaEcho, smart thermostat, 3 W10 laptops, 3 chromebooks, 1 Linux Atom powered Acer Aspire 1 .... little notebook ... old ... never gives a problem, and 3 Raspberry Pi 400s.

I do NOT code ... and probably never will. I'm a hardware guy. 1st machine Atari 800 with an external 5.25. floppy and a BASIC cartridge. I think I might be able to code "Hello World" but that's it. Next was a Compaq Portable Intel 8088 4.77 MHZ. 2 Foppies and I found a 10MB hard drive but it only had 5MB of usable sectors on it. Popped that in there during a wine making party one weekend. MSDos 2.0 I think it was.

Started making good money with it.... Industrial services with SuperCalc spreadsheets and DbASE II data processing. Mid 80s. Most people did not know what a computer was or what it could to. Good times then. Sorry to go on.
Then append the shares provided by each device. The proverbial "big picture".

Easier to check off what is working and what is not working.

I get your point. Just hope can grasp it.

= = = =

Side note:

What router do you have? Leave things alone for now but router shares can be problematic. Any drive attached to my Linksys router notably slowed network performance.

Netgear XR500 Gaming Router .... but I don't do games. Been running those two drives (8TB 10TB) on it pushing all this iron and I have no complants. I think I cause most IT problems myself. thanks again.


My first computer was an Atari 800.

Wrote BASIC programs and did a few RS-232 projects. Radio Shack days.....

Typed in other programs from magazines and books. One program was a primitive word processing program.

A bit of gaming: Legionaire.....

But all that led me into my early "IT" adventures.

= = = =

As for coding, its' main value to me is for diagnostic purposes.

I favor Powershell because much can be discovered and learned via simple Gets. Plus a few other commands as well within Powershell.



And other similar"Get's" to glean out hardware information.

Still there is a need for scripts so I tinker with a few minor projects as time, circumstances, and mood warrant.

Check the router's admin screens - hopefully there is some listing of all devices that are and have been connected. Their IP address (DHCP or Static). Device MAC's can also be helpful in sorting things out.

= = = =

While Acer-64 is running anew take the opportunity to snapshot as much configuration information as possible. If things go amiss again you wil have a baseline that could help discover what changed.


Apr 16, 2011
YES ... router has display for connected (past/present) devices. It is massive and interpreting it is difficult for me. I'll try a screenshot of it.

Just now solved a persistant problem with NETPLWIZ on Acer-64. Little things need to be checked out ... on ll 3 machines actually. I only reinstalled OS on Acer-64 because it indicated having more goofy issues than the others. Still figuring out what ALL needs to be fixed ... all 3 machines.

never got around to powershell expertise. I avoided it in fact (old dog, new tricks). Thanks to you, I see the advantages and will strive.

Back at you later today. Thanks for everything.

EDIT: Solved my problem with a hammar (installed fresh W10 on Acer-64. Thank YOU and everyone else who tried to help. You people are marvels.
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