(SOLVED)--Gpu making zzzz sound PLEASE HELP


Dec 5, 2017
Yesterday, my gpu started to act really weird. First, fans were going up to 80% and didnt let gpu run hotter than 65 degrees celsius. I thought maybe i set temp limit but no i didnt. Same problem today, gpu fans acting weird but now i have 1 more problem. I opened up fornite, and my fans started to work( rx570 strix 4gb oc version) and i just heard zzzz noise-sound. I restarted my pc and run battlefield 1 and fortnite and i ran into same problem again. Gpu is still making zzz sound and fans are still going even to 80%( to mention again, gpu is working at 65). I cleaned my gpu( even though im cleaning it every month) but nothing. I tested my fans and they are not making that zzz sound( dont ask how i tested them). I hope someone will help me, and not just read question and go away....Rx570 strix 4gb oc, r5 1600 non oc 2x4 ram hyperx b350-f strix. Sorry for bad english.
Update: fans turned off and gpu was still making that noise for a few seconds( 6 7 second)
Im pretty sure it is from gpu. Yea, gpu is in warranty, but i bought gpu in another country so i cant go whenever i want. Gpu didnt have any dust, as i said, im cleaning it every month. What do you mean by fan airways? Oh and yea my pc is near terrace, so im always opening that door so pc get more air( it lower temp up to 2 degrees so its good). I checked if something was blocking fans or if something got in gpu but i saw nothing. That zzz sound, i think it is coming from part of gpu board that is near connects-hdmi dvi( like 2 cm away from end of gpu). I dont really know what is problem, but i would be very irritated if i have to send gpu back to warranty, i was saving money for almost 3 years and i still didnt finish this build. Now, i will try few games and see if it cause any performance loss.Oh and i will try to use different 8-pin from my psu(seasonic m12ii 620w). I appreciate your help.

Update; This pc is really giving me headache. I used different 8 pin and still hear zzz.... I hear it in furmark bf1 fortnite and witcher 3. Now, my fans didnt stop working after i closed witcher 3, bf1 and furmark but stopped after fortnite. Why, ask god..... And yes, im pretty sure nosie is coming from gpu and not by fans, bcs when i turn on fans i hear nothing
This "zzzzz" could be coil whine. Its common for coil whining to come from the GPU or PSU. I had an old 660 that had coil whine and its really not bad for the part just very annoying. Is the whine only when the graphics card is put under load? Like when you start a game.

Yes, just under load. In furmark it makes less noise than in games( just a little bit less). However, i i heard for coil whine and searched for rx5x0 series with that problem, and noise isnt same, it is totally different. However, i dont really care if that cant damage my card+ my case is currently opened so as soon as i buy case fans ill close it and i hoep i wont hear it. But what about second problem- fans are going up to 70-80% and not letting gpu run hotter than 65-67. I didnt set temp limit. And my fans never stop working after i close game and gpu go under 50 degrees celsius.

I guess im not understanding your second problem. I'm definitely no GPU expert but I believe they are made to run faster when the GPU is getting hotter. Are you still getting full performance at 67c? Are you saying your performance is being limited by this? If i'm understanding correctly its just the fans cranking up to keep your GPU cool like normal.
I dont have any performance loss. But im irritated because gpu fans are going up to 80% and it is really damn loud while temp is 65-67. There is no reason for fans to go 80%. I would expect that speed of 80% at temp like 80-82++ and not stupid 65..... I have " solution" for this but it isnt good enough. In msiafterburner i put fans on 50% and that's it. For the weekend ill just reinstall my windows and maybe it will change something.