Question SOLVED ! I'm getting a lot of blue screens on a new build ?

Jul 1, 2024

i have recently built a PC and im getting a lot of blue screens,. Ithappens during boot and can happen during Windows so, at the minute, at any point. i have made sure that the bios (ASUS 2613 )is up to date,asus armoury crate is also up to date and windows update.

the memory.dmp is as follows

*** WARNING: Check Image - Checksum mismatch - Dump: 0x7dd2, File: 0x159e7 - C:\ProgramData\dbg\sym\hal.dll\1865382A6000\hal.dll


Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec
Value: 2249

Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 2385

Key : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
Value: 0

Key : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
Value: 0

Key : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
Value: 0

Key : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
Value: 281

Key : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 8211

Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
Value: 112

Key : Bugcheck.Code.KiBugCheckData
Value: 0xa

Key : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI
Value: 0xa

Key : Dump.Attributes.AsUlong
Value: 1000

Key : Dump.Attributes.DiagDataWrittenToHeader
Value: 1

Key : Dump.Attributes.ErrorCode
Value: 0

Key : Dump.Attributes.LastLine
Value: Dump completed successfully.

Key : Dump.Attributes.ProgressPercentage
Value: 100

Key : Failure.Bucket
Value: AV_nt!KiConnectInterrupt

Key : Failure.Hash
Value: {42f0645f-a21b-54d2-83cc-ef20785ea91e}

Key : Hypervisor.Enlightenments.Value
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Enlightenments.ValueHex
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.AnyHypervisorPresent
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.ApicEnlightened
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.ApicVirtualizationAvailable
Value: 1

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.AsyncMemoryHint
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.CoreSchedulerRequested
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.CpuManager
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.DeprecateAutoEoi
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.DynamicCpuDisabled
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.Epf
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.ExtendedProcessorMasks
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.HardwareMbecAvailable
Value: 1

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.MaxBankNumber
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.MemoryZeroingControl
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.NoExtendedRangeFlush
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.NoNonArchCoreSharing
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.Phase0InitDone
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.PowerSchedulerQos
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.RootScheduler
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.SynicAvailable
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.UseQpcBias
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.Value
Value: 16908288

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.ValueHex
Value: 1020000

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.VpAssistPage
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.Flags.VsmAvailable
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.AccessStats
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.CrashdumpEnlightened
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.CreateVirtualProcessor
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.DisableHyperthreading
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.HostTimelineSync
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.HypervisorDebuggingEnabled
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.IsHyperV
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.LivedumpEnlightened
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.MapDeviceInterrupt
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.MceEnlightened
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.Nested
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.StartLogicalProcessor
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.Value
Value: 0

Key : Hypervisor.RootFlags.ValueHex
Value: 0

Key : SecureKernel.HalpHvciEnabled
Value: 0

Key : WER.OS.Branch
Value: ni_release

Key : WER.OS.Version
Value: 10.0.22621.1


BUGCHECK_P1: 800006c



BUGCHECK_P4: fffff8053e604779



READ_ADDRESS: unable to get nt!PspSessionIdBitmap

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)


TRAP_FRAME: ffff980ef57e4590 -- (.trap 0xffff980ef57e4590)
NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.
Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=ffffd701f13df180 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=fffff8053e819630
rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff8053e604779 rsp=ffff980ef57e4720 rbp=ffff980ef57e4800
r8=0000000000000000 r9=ffffae848958eac8 r10=0000000008000000
r11=0000000000000038 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
fffff805`3e604779 418b426c mov eax,dword ptr [r10+6Ch] ds:00000000`0800006c=????????
Resetting default scope

ffff980e`f57e4448 fffff805`3e82be29 : 00000000`0000000a 00000000`0800006c 00000000`0000000f 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffff980e`f57e4450 fffff805`3e827289 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
ffff980e`f57e4590 fffff805`3e604779 : ffffd701`f2381dc0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffff980e`f57e4800 : nt!KiPageFault+0x489
ffff980e`f57e4720 fffff805`3e6044bb : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffff980e`f57e4800 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiConnectInterrupt+0x109
ffff980e`f57e4790 fffff805`3ea80e35 : ffff980e`f57e4a10 ffff980e`f57e4900 ffffae84`916f38e0 ffffae84`8b20f000 : nt!KeConnectInterrupt+0x83
ffff980e`f57e4840 fffff805`3ead7274 : ffff980e`f57e4a90 ffff980e`f57e4aa0 fffff805`3fde9100 00000000`00000000 : nt!IopConnectInterrupt+0x339
ffff980e`f57e4990 fffff805`3fe60019 : ffffae84`91372120 ffffae84`917a19e0 00000000`00000000 0000517b`6ec8ded8 : nt!IoConnectInterruptEx+0x1a4
ffff980e`f57e4a80 fffff805`3fe5e9b0 : ffffae84`917a7b98 00000000`00000000 ffffae84`917a79e0 ffffae84`9159b030 : Wdf01000!FxInterrupt::ConnectInternal+0xc9 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\km\interruptobjectkm.cpp @ 173]
ffff980e`f57e4b00 fffff805`3fe534bc : ffffae84`917a7b98 ffffae84`91314090 00000000`00000000 fffff805`3fdf95c6 : Wdf01000!FxInterrupt::Connect+0x94 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\interruptobject.cpp @ 1174]
ffff980e`f57e4b90 fffff805`3fe4e290 : ffffae84`91314090 ffff980e`f57e4d50 fffff805`3fe6db00 ffff980e`f57e4c90 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::NotifyResourceObjectsD0+0x3c [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\fxpkgpnp.cpp @ 6469]
ffff980e`f57e4bf0 fffff805`3fe4e9bf : ffffae84`91314090 ffff980e`f57e4d50 fffff805`3fe6dae0 ffffae84`895798b0 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::powerD0StartingConnectInterrupt+0x10 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\powerstatemachine.cpp @ 2313]
ffff980e`f57e4c50 fffff805`3fe4f997 : ffffae84`91314300 ffffae84`91314270 00000000`00000040 00000000`00000000 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::powerEnterNewState+0x193 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\powerstatemachine.cpp @ 1699]
ffff980e`f57e4d90 fffff805`3fe4f7c4 : ffffae84`91314090 00000000`00000000 fffff805`3fe6e900 fffff805`3fdf95c6 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::powerProcessEventInner+0x177 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\powerstatemachine.cpp @ 1613]
ffff980e`f57e4e10 fffff805`3fe5acf4 : 00000000`00000000 ffffae84`91314090 ffff980e`f57e4fd0 fffff805`3fe6e9c0 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::powerProcessEvent+0x1c0 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\powerstatemachine.cpp @ 1394]
ffff980e`f57e4ea0 fffff805`3fe5d516 : ffffae84`91314090 ffff980e`f57e4fd0 00000000`00000500 fffff805`3ff886ea : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::powerPolStarting+0x24 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\powerpolicystatemachine.cpp @ 8006]
ffff980e`f57e4ed0 fffff805`3fe5da07 : ffffae84`913141e8 ffffae84`91314348 ffffae84`91314090 00000000`00000500 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::powerPolicyEnterNewState+0x192 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\powerpolicystatemachine.cpp @ 4014]
ffff980e`f57e5010 fffff805`3fe5d829 : ffffae84`91314090 ffff980e`f57e50e0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000100 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::powerPolicyProcessEventInner+0x187 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\powerpolicystatemachine.cpp @ 3850]
ffff980e`f57e5090 fffff805`3fe4a9ff : 00000000`00000000 ffffae84`91314090 ffff980e`f57e51d0 fffff805`3fe6d280 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::powerPolicyProcessEvent+0x1bd [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\powerpolicystatemachine.cpp @ 3523]
ffff980e`f57e5120 fffff805`3fe4a526 : 00000000`00000101 ffff980e`f57e5102 00000000`00000108 00000000`00800103 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::pnpEventHardwareAvailable+0xcf [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\pnpstatemachine.cpp @ 1458]
ffff980e`f57e5160 fffff805`3fe4c1af : 00000000`00000000 ffffae84`91222170 ffffae84`91314090 ffffae84`913141f0 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::pnpEnterNewState+0x15e [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\pnpstatemachine.cpp @ 1234]
ffff980e`f57e51f0 fffff805`3fe4c812 : ffff980e`f57e52b0 00000000`00000000 ffffae84`913141f0 ffffae84`91314090 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::pnpProcessEventInner+0x163 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\pnpstatemachine.cpp @ 1150]
ffff980e`f57e5260 fffff805`3fe612c0 : ffffae84`913141e8 ffffae84`913141c8 ffffae84`00000000 ffffae84`00000000 : Wdf01000!FxPkgPnp::_PnpProcessEventInner+0x32 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\pnpstatemachine.cpp @ 981]
ffff980e`f57e5290 fffff805`3fe61685 : ffffae84`91314d50 ffffae84`8953ee30 fffff805`3f149ac0 ffffae84`8953ee30 : Wdf01000!FxEventQueue::EventQueueWorker+0x74 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\eventqueue.cpp @ 277]
ffff980e`f57e52e0 fffff805`3e63b37c : ffffae84`91222170 00000000`00000000 ffffae84`91222170 ffffae84`8b20f060 : Wdf01000!FxWorkItemEventQueue::_WorkItemCallback+0x25 [minkernel\wdf\framework\shared\irphandlers\pnp\km\eventqueuekm.cpp @ 115]
ffff980e`f57e5310 fffff805`3e7064f5 : ffffae84`8952ac30 ffffae84`8b2ac080 ffff980e`f57e5480 ffffae84`00000000 : nt!IopProcessWorkItem+0x13c
ffff980e`f57e5380 fffff805`3e679ca7 : ffffae84`8b2ac080 00000000`000001f8 ffffae84`8b2ac080 fffff805`3e7063a0 : nt!ExpWorkerThread+0x155
ffff980e`f57e5570 fffff805`3e81b014 : ffffd701`f1351180 ffffae84`8b2ac080 fffff805`3e679c50 9a867d80`96cf7d46 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x57
ffff980e`f57e55c0 00000000`00000000 : ffff980e`f57e6000 ffff980e`f57df000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x34

SYMBOL_NAME: nt!KiConnectInterrupt+109


IMAGE_NAME: ntkrnlmp.exe

IMAGE_VERSION: 10.0.22621.3810

STACK_COMMAND: .cxr; .ecxr ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: AV_nt!KiConnectInterrupt

OS_VERSION: 10.0.22621.1

BUILDLAB_STR: ni_release


OSNAME: Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH: {42f0645f-a21b-54d2-83cc-ef20785ea91e}

Followup: MachineOwner

the event viewer entry is
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff806134430da, 0xffffab86f279c918, 0xffffab86f279c130). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 824f1992-a100-46fd-9306-626e4f4b100f.

i can provide the minidumps if need be, if you need any more info please let me know.


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

When posting a thread of troubleshooting nature, it's customary to include your full system's specs. Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

If you can, please attach the .dmp files in this thread so we can take a look at them in case you might've missed soemthing.

Where did you source the installer for your OS?
Jul 1, 2024
CPU: 7800x 3d
CPU cooler: h150 rgb
Motherboard: TUF gamin b650
Ram: corsair vengeance ddr5 64GB (2x32gb)
GPU: rx 7900 xtx
PSU: corsair modular 1000
Chassis: fractal north xl
OS: windows 11 pro
Asus bios:- 2613
The storage is an nvme m2 2tb

I was told over the phone from where I got my parts from that the ram is Intel tuned so I was advised to get that swapped out for amd.
Monitor: currently using a Bush tv on a hdmi cable
I have a new monitor I need to plug in but used the tv to troubleshoot.

The installer itself I bought legitimately

In regard to the 4 files I can try but it’s going to be tricky as it keeps bsod’ing with the error messages

attempted write to readonly memory and system source exception