Question [SOLVED] Issues with newly build PC

Feb 13, 2024
Hi guys so recently I posted this to get a build:

A week later (today) I build it, but there seems to be some issue that is I believe caused by the RAM. After building it I tried to boot everything was connected and I had issue with the Red Light on the MOBO turning on for the DRAM, I tried swapping the sticks or running single stick. Then I decided to leave it on for 10/15 mins and it booted.

After that the red light for VGA came on and stayed on... somehow managed to fix that and get into installing windows 11.

Now after installing windows, it shows both ram and GPU, but when i try to restart all the redlights go on and it just stays idle without giving output to screen only if I shut it down it start ups normal. Also can't get into bios for some reason.

I believe the issue is either the ram or the motherboard please help.

Update the MOBO BIOS with USB and enable EXPO 1 Ram profile
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Seems to me like you're having an issue with the processor. Might want to lay the PC on it's side/flat. Then relieve mounting pressure on the cooler till it's just resting on the CPU's IHS and see if you're able to get POST without any hiccups/lights being caught up.
Seems to me like you're having an issue with the processor. Might want to lay the PC on it's side/flat. Then relieve mounting pressure on the cooler till it's just resting on the CPU's IHS and see if you're able to get POST without any hiccups/lights being caught up.
ok hold on let me try that
I tried and basically this happend:
First reboot was quick 20 seconds, but DRAM turned red and then it switched to VGA then both turned off.
After that I tried to advance reboot to get into bios still idle