[Solved it myself now] Updating my Microsoft Basic Display Adapter completely removed my AMD GPU and i want to re enable it

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Sep 22, 2023
I was following a tutorial to fix stuttering every few seconds in Windows 11, and one of the instructions said thati should update my Microsoft Basic Display Adapter, except doing that made my AMD Radeon Graphics card disappear entirely and is not letting me re enable it.
Sep 22, 2023
This thread didn't age the best, ended up fixing myself like a couple minutes after putting it up, better than nothing i guess
Blindly following some random thing off the Internet without a full understanding of what you are doing is how you get into these jackpots.

What, specifically, did you do to fix this. Do not just post a question then post "Fixed it" without revealing what you did. It might help the next person that doesn't do their homework first.
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