solved it: video screen capture quality too low

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Oct 2, 2022
Solved it after hours...
It was a shader I was using in my video player that was going crazy. trying to make an already sharp video better by making it blury

I have something off with ANY video screen capture software.
So I want to record something on Screen, like a whole Monitor or a game running.

The whole image is blurry as if you upscale a 720p video to a 1080p resolution.
This is regardless of the software I use and also regardless of the encoder I use.
I used:
Nvidias Overlay recording software at 1080p 60 fps 60k bitrate
OBS with: 1080p input - 1080p output bitrates from 6k to 60k nvenc, nvenc (new) and CPU encoder.
Corel Multicamcapture X

They all pretty much give the same result. It's hard to make out any differences between them because the main issue is that the source image seems to be scaled.

So I think this has to be either a driver issue or a windows settings issue. I don't record too many videos but it worked a couple weeks back in the same windows installation, but on an older geforce driver.
Does anyone have ideas if there is an option anywhere that might affect this?

Tried Fixes:
  • reinstalled the current geforce driver version
  • used different recording software
  • used both GPU and CPU encoders where possible - both have same result
  • used a ton of different quality affecting settings on OBS and on nvidia overlay.
Now I can't figure out what's going on here. The desktop resolution is 1080p. The preview window in OBS looks crisp, the desktop looks crisp.
No matter what software I record with, no matter if I record a single window or the whole screen, it's all blurry.
It is almost like there is some software inbetween the recording software and the hardware giving the video output.

This all runs on one PC btw. I got crisp video recordings with 1080p in the past, so hardware is not the issue.
it's a gtx1660 super card driver version 517.48 (sept 2022)
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