Solyndra, Rounds 12 and 13

You are right about Solar Trust. Although they filed for bankruptcy, they did not take the DoEng money. However, I poked around deeper and found a tangled mess.

Solar Millennium AG (German company) holds 70% stake in Solar Trust. Solar Trust of America holds rights to Blythe Solar Power Project:
and ...

Oh, it doesn't matter that much. Like several other bankrupt solar energy firms I didn't mention, we, the U.S. taxpayer are not on the hook.

#13 is correct, but ... as careful as I was, it is a repeat of Solyndra 6.
NextEra Energy is doing quite well. NextEra Energy Resources, the subsidiary, is the company running the Riverside County, CA Blythe Solar Project (Genesis Power Project) .

And the project changed from a concentrating solar plant to a PV plant.

This is like unraveling the various subsidiaries of Enron. 🙁

Even if that number isn't accurate, and other companies get breaks, doesn't oil still get some favorite status in Washington? They must be receiving some sort of kickback that others do not get.

I think an interesting examination would be how much money did oil and nuclear get in their infancy compared to what alternative energy is getting. I also read that oil wasn't even profitable until 1900. Could wind be completely 100% viable in 20 years? Yes, only if we keep developing the tech.

Whoa old man chill out Im just trying to have a conversation. Ill google more into tax break or subsidies for oil companies when I get home.

Im also having a hard time figuring out where that 70 million $ figure came from. The links just take you to the MREA website home page.

But seriously stay civil Im honestly trying to figure this out, if you get crabby it just reinforces my attitude of F*ck the news and leisure forum.
I cant believe its fine, its just great, its fantastic that Obama wants to hand out billions on maybe possibilities, and as we see, many failing one after the other, with possible cronyism thrown in, but to promote oil?
No way.
The rest of the world can do that, not us, theyre evil?
And if dont dont tax cut big oil, the costs go directly back to the consumer, but thats OK, because then we will use less, and the fact we are going thru a major recession, and things are directly tied to energy costs, and proclaim Obamas policies fantastic, Im not sure how far some lemmings are willing to go as we approach that cliff.
For years one side has blamed the other that one side wants to take away our medi care, medicaide, that it needs reform, we see all around us, many countries failing exactly because of this non reform attitudes, yet we merrily head for that cliff, getting tingles down our legs as we go, following the one, as he spends everyones money, including the grandchildrens, and proclaims the evil ones are the rich, no explanation other than fairness, and never you mind that not supporting oil will cost us much more now, it will slow economy, we cant talk about such things, because its my predecessors fault.
Ignore those falsehoods about the one, and his group being influenced by big money, as we are for the little guy, and we insist whats going on in Wisconsin is a abomination, and our friends will fix this, and more freebies will be handed out, at the expense of those who pay and get nothing, so that those who pay little or none at all get everything.

Possible? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Im playing the devils advocate here in part heheh.
In doing so, Im trying to bring the understanding to everyone, that whats gone around, goes around, and this applies to all, and the bigger picture proves this, and certain ideals arent so ideal, and to everything there is a time, and until this time nears, it simply wont work

The difference here is faith.
Using the government to help can be a good thing, but before its time, it can lead to a costly non adventure, and also shows the alignment of those scratching others backs, which happens on both sides.
Now, using terms such as money, etc to confirm ones faith in our government being capable of surmounting efficient supply, funding etc to make these things happen doesnt mean it will, and is faith and monies squandered, and as we try, in these economic times, we see with a greater clarity the costs of such ventures, which also opens the door to said cronyism.