Some Images in .PDF format show as odd black boxes in Adobe Reader

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Aug 31, 2012
First, I don't know if this has anything to do with this issue, but ALL of my pdf files, every single one, has a curious light blue background instead of a white one. Something I find odd and may be connected but I have no clue.

Anyway, to the meat of the issue: I have several pdf files where the author/sources are different. Some pdfs are fine, the images display correctly.

While others display somewhat correctly, show only parts, or are even completely black.



It's almost as if I'm highlighting the page or something, when I'm not. I don't know, I'm completely stumped. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
I downloaded most of them off torrents, and others I downloaded straight from sites. I would agree it was redacted (especially the image with the text blacked out) but there are some images that aren't particularly sensitive that it wouldn't make sense to have redacted. It would be something as harmless as a smiley face or a diagram of how a router works.
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