Some tips on ram, hard drive and CPU choosing


Nov 5, 2010
Ok, right now I have a system at a sort of not-finished-but-still-working state. It's an asus AM3 mobo, with USB3, and some other neat features that aren't that important (amazingly detailed description I know), I can't remember the exact model now but I can dig it up if need be.

I was thinking about 8 gigs of ram, a phenom x6 and some sort of decent 1TB HDD.

I'm not compleatly decided on what kind of ram I'm getting, though G-skill's marketing has really got me. I noticed most g-skill ram is marketed to be used with intel processors, but does that really mean anything?

On the processors part I'll probably be getting a phenom x6 1100t, though I did hear somwhere that the 1090t has better OC capabilities.

And on the hard drive I was thinking something along the lines of a caviar black.

So that's what I've got so far, any sort of ideas/feedback etc. are welcome.

I can post full specs, if anyone want's, in the morning. (that being 13.00 +3GMT)


Whatever RAM you decide on buy ONE matched, tested RAM Kit not multiple DIMMs or multiple kits as they are not guaranteed to function without issues even if the DIMMs are identical. A good 8 GB. RAM kit can be had for ~$60 right now in a 2x 4GB. version. All RAM does not function properly on both AMD and Intel platforms so be sure that you buy RAM that is approved for use with AMD Phenom II CPus.

The AMD Thurban based CPUs have a default RAM speed of 1333 Mhz. and can ofter run RAM at speeds up to ~2000 Mhz. though there is usually only a 1% system performance gain from doing so, thus it's hardly worth paying more for faster RAM.


Oct 16, 2007

As long as the RAM is from a name manufacturer (G.Skill, Corsair, Kingston come to mind, and I've used them all without issue), and complies with the necessary specs (i.e. - voltage, cas latency, pins, etc.), you're good.

I'm currently using Corsair with my 1090T X6 (in an older MA785GMT-UD2H board).

(In the same board, I was previously using G.Skill F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ with an X2 Regor 250.)

WD Caviar Black - perfectly fine HD.