Some USB ports stop working while gaming using controller


Nov 30, 2013

As the title says, I have a very wierd USB problem.

It's like this: Whenever I play games with a controller, the controller USB port and the mouse USB port stop working randomly. The keyboard still works fine, but the Caps/Num Lock leds on the keyboard won't light up when pressing Caps Lock or Num Lock. The mouse USB port is in the back, next to the PS2 ports and the port where i usually plug in the controller is in the front on the PC case.

Un-plugging and re-plugging them doesn't work. The USB ports recognizes the devices for a brief second - the lights on the controller and the red light under the mouse light up for a brief moment -, but after that the lights disappear and they still don't work.

The only way to fix it is to restart the PC. Even after restarting, the mouse still won't work unless I un-plug it and re-plug it again, while the keyboard leds and the controller start working again right after the restart.

This problem only occurs when I'm gaming on controller, if I play games with the mouse and keyboard, it never occurs.

The problem started appearing after I changed my CPU, motherboard and RAM.
I have an AMD FX 6350 with Askrock 960GM-VGS3 FX motherboard and Hyper X 8 GB 1333 Mhz RAM before and i changed them with AMD Ryzen 5 1600, MSI B350 PC Mate motherboard and Hyper X Savage 2666 mhz (running it on 2400 mhz though). Using Windows 10.

I searched on Google but I couldn't find a similar situation and I don't know what could be causing this? Bad drivers? Faulty motherboard? The PSU reaches its limit?

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Apparently, the issue occurs only on two ports (where I had the mouse and controller plugged in) so a workaround is to plug them in different USB ports. But even so, I'm still curious as to why this issue is happening.
List your specs like so:

You would need two sets since there was a before and after of your build. Did you reinstall your OS after the migration? If so are you on the latest BIOS revision?


CPU: AMD FX-6350
Motherboard: Askrock 960GM-VGS3 FX
RAM: Hyper X Fury DDR3 1333 Mhz
HDD: 3 x Western Digital Blue 1 TB
GPU: Gigabyte G1 Gaming R9 380
PSU: Inter-Tech SL-700 700W
Chassis: Game Daemon 6004
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
Controller: Shogun Tracer TRJ-208


CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600
Motherboard: MSI B350 PC Mate
RAM: Hyper X Savage DDR4 2666 Mhz
HDD: 3 x Western Digital Blue 1 TB
GPU: Gigabyte G1 Gaming R9 380
PSU: Inter-Tech SL-700 700W
Chassis: Game Daemon 6004
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
Controller: Shogun Tracer TRJ-208

No, I didn't reinstall the OS after switching components (I know it's recommended but since the PC worked fine, I didn't do it because i have a lot of stuff installed and it would take days to put everything in place again).
I'm on the latest BIOS revision for my motherboard, which is version A.70

As I said before, everything worked without problems before switching components and it seems to happen only on two specific USB ports.