Somebody help me with my configuration ?

Get the SSD you need disconnect your current drive and do a clean install of the OS on the SSD. Re install the hard drive copy your user files to the SSD then reformat the HDD.
Guide for SSD's
You have 4 SATA plugs and you can add another drive if you want.
Get the SSD you need disconnect your current drive and do a clean install of the OS on the SSD. Re install the hard drive copy your user files to the SSD then reformat the HDD.
Guide for SSD's
You have 4 SATA plugs and you can add another drive if you want.

I am currently live in India. I have contact neweggs and Tigerdirect but none of them ship to india. I have told tigerdirect and they have told me that they can ship to india but not show me good way.

bTW for me buy outside means paying a lot of TAX and duty :??:

Someone look at this site . I have told that site's support and they have told me they don't have anything or my MBoard not support any SSD.

Please check the site and let me know any good product. Please remember this time I want to save the cost of upgrade.I just thing to get better speed at low cost.

Thanks Icelook and all people again.

Please someone also let me know how to figure out that SSD will support my computer or not.