Someone know where to find a cheap i5-4690k?

Ncixus says out of stock but a listing at $209. Not sure if price will go up or not, newegg's sure did. This is the highest they've ever been that I recall. Apparently selling a $230 cpu retail for $250 makes up for the $209 price they had during black fri/cyber monday. $225 and free shipping on amazon even though pcpartpicker doesn't list it.

Hopefully the high prices are temporary or it could be a new development to make the much higher priced skylake cpu's more attractive. Folks who keep waiting for intel cpu's to get cheaper when new models are released, this looks like it went the other...
Microcenter inherently sells their processors cheaper than retail market value as a method of bringing customers in the store, hoping they'll purchase more. They often do this with solid state drives as well. Or at least my philadelphia store does. They also offer excellent motherboard + cpu combo deals. A real bargain if you live close enough.

It's a few hours away. I wanted to know if the sale would last because I dont have enough to buy it, I would by the end of the week. Would it be long enough?
Ncixus says out of stock but a listing at $209. Not sure if price will go up or not, newegg's sure did. This is the highest they've ever been that I recall. Apparently selling a $230 cpu retail for $250 makes up for the $209 price they had during black fri/cyber monday. $225 and free shipping on amazon even though pcpartpicker doesn't list it.

Hopefully the high prices are temporary or it could be a new development to make the much higher priced skylake cpu's more attractive. Folks who keep waiting for intel cpu's to get cheaper when new models are released, this looks like it went the other way. As for microcenter showing in store only, that's their policy on cpu's. They don't ship them or offer them online.

That's why cpu prices are only a perk for those with a microcenter store nearby, not everyone can take advantage of it. My closest microcenter is over an hour away and by the time I factor in my time, fuel and sales tax it's no longer a bargain. I can pay similar at an online store, save the trip and sales tax and it gets delivered to my door for around the same price in the end.

Yeah, I was waiting for my money to come in for newegg's listing. Found out this morning it went up.