Someone please help me with picking a GTX 760


I want to buy a GTX 760 graphics card for a computer I'm planning to build. What I mean by the question, is that when I type 'GTX 760' on the Amazon website ( I'm smothered by what seems like hundreds of different 'types' of GTX 760's. I really want help with choosing one. Some only have 1 fan, some have 2, and some even have 3?!?! I don't know where to start. I know that ASUS are good manufacturers, but their version of the GTX 760 is a 'DirectCU II OC' version. I have absolutely no idea what this means, and how this one compares with others. Please click this link to see what I mean, and I would really appreciate any help:

That ASUS is generally regarded as the best version. The "Direct CU II OC" refers to the fact that the copper(cu) heatpipes directly contact the processor chip to better transfer the heat. The OC designates the card as being factory overclocked so it is a little bit faster than a "reference" designed card. It's not a bad card by any means and I think you'll be happy with it.
Errr guys... You're beginning to sound like the amazon search results 😛. At the moment I'm leaning towards the Asus DirectCU because Zooshooter gave me some very helpful information about it :). Cabudinen, there are two or three different EVGA's for the GTX 760 on Amazon, and so I wouldn't know which one to get if I were to buy one of those.

Here, this

the second one is factory overclocked and its only 10 dollars more.
I was being factious 😛 really they are all pretty much the same. frame rates will only vary by 2-3fps. the biggest difference will be in how loud they are. generally the larger fans are quieter. asus, evga, gigabyte, Msi are all fine and every person you ask will give a different answer. My advise is get the cheapest non reference GPU. whatever factory overclocked one is on sale.

To be fair, I ended up getting the 4GB EVGA card because it was on sale at a local computer hardware store and it was pretty cheap at the time. I am also an advocate for EVGA's customer service, they do a good job but that ASUS HAS had very good reviews.