Something bottlenecking, Cant get the FPS I should


Apr 12, 2014
Hello! I currently am building a second desktop for gaming purposes In another house. The components are as follows:

Asrock Extreme6+ a88x
AMD Richland a10-6800k
8gb G.SKILL 2133 RAM
Corsair FORCE 128GB SSD
Seagate Barracuda 2TB
600W Astro GD Gold+ PSU

I just ran WoW to see how it would run, and my FPS is a lot lower than it seems it should be. I should be able to play on max settings with 60+ fps on this set up right?

If so, what could be wrong? Please help.

I believe it's your CPU bottle necking that 770, an A10 isn't that strong I have one. Hope this helps.

I may have been mislead, But is the A10 not the best processor I can put in this socket? Do you have a suggestion maybe? 😀

Thanks very much Fkr!!(lol) I think I may purchase that. How much better would you say it is sir? Do you think I should be able to run full setting at 60+FPS on wow and maybe BF4? Is there an option that would be better that doesn't waste the extra power on graphics?

so this is a review and benchmarking of that chip against an intel i3

If these numbers are to be believed then you may want to reconsider buying that chip.

according to this link:

you are going to need at least a 6 core amd chip to run your card or similar.

you are in a tough spot and if you are playing a MMO you are going to need even more CPU power.

you may consider selling your CPU moptherboard and then upgrading that motherboard and CPU