Something bottlenecking or something wrong?


Sep 6, 2009
I bought a new computer around a year ago. It was pretty high-end, and I thought it could run anything on high for about two years. But time and time again, I'm running into games that drop my FPS way more than they should. Even older games. The latest is Mass Effect.

Now, my components:

HD4870 512MB
E8500 overclocked to 3600 mhz
Vista 64bit

I shouldn't have any problems with ME with these specs, right? Wrong. I'm frequently getting to as low as 30 during fights. It's fluttering between 50-60 during playing in non-fight situations. With high effects, yes, but i should be able to handle it. I thought it was normal at first, but I've checked benchmarks and people are using the same GPU with better outcomes. Is it my CPU that's holding it back? Please help! I don't want to have wasted 900€ on nothing.
What resolution? Your GPU and cpu should be chewing games up like they are nothing. The only game you should have any problems is maxing out Crysis.

Mass Effect even at 1920x1080 maxed out should not even put a dent in your system. Check your temperatures there could be overheating. Check your drivers also


Sep 6, 2009
Damn, I knew I forgot something. I'm playing on 1680x1050.

Thanks for the reply. I figured something was going on. I just updated my GPU's drivers, are there any other drivers I should be updating? And I'll check the temperatures. Could there be something like directX incompatibility between 9 and 10 or 64-bit problems?