Something is wrong with second GPU.


Apr 12, 2013
I have two 670s that I used to run in SLI, but suddenly the second card made the PC crash and now when I try to boot up the PC normally with the second card, it's just a black screen until the PC decides to shut itself off.

I have tried with and without the first card and have tried different slots on the motherboard and different power cables. For some reason my PC won't function with the second GPU.

When I boot my PC through safe mode I can log into my computer and do the basic things, but my PC doesn't recognize the card. When I went to the porperties of the card, it had no information, and Geforce Experience doesn't recognize it either.

I guess this problem could be driver related, but I can't install new drivers in safe mode (to my knowledge).

I have tried booting with factory settings on the motherboard as well, that seemed to not help at all.

This problem isn't too serious since I still have one of my cards working, but I'd like to be able to use the other one too.
If one cards works fine, but the other does not, don't see how it's drivers. The card is probably bad. To make sure, you can try the card in a different system, or unplug your current hard drive, install a test hard drive (so as not to mess up your settings/files) and install a clean setup of Windows on that, install new drivers for the system, see if it runs fine with that card.