Something VERY wrong with my system.

Jun 20, 2018
I5 8600k
corsair vs650
16gb ram

Alright. So this will be hard to explain.

Today I downloaded AC odyssey, and it didn't work so I tried to install new drivers for my rx 480. (Didn't fix the problem, but that is not what this is about, i fixed the game launching issue by moving the games folder)

Ok, well after fixing the issue i started up the game and OMG, 1 fps in the menu and 100% CPU usage(I'm not sure the 100% cpu is just because of the optimization, but whatever)

Ok I thought, it has to be something with the game software, but I will check if maybe something else is wrong. So i started my favourite roguelike, Enter the gungeon.

OMG2, I now have about 15 fps on a pixelized game which i probably could have run at 400 fps the day before.

Same with CS GO, and all other games.
Something is wrong, and IDK what.
I tried installing new drivers for my rx 480 again, as that is likely the reason this is happening, i also installed new cpu drivers.

This only made things more confusing, as it increased my FPS on ETG from 15 to about 45??????

My system is better than that.... was better yesterday atleast. I also went from 1 fps to 15 fps in AC odysseys menus.

What is going on, this is the strangest behaviour I have ever witnessed.

What can I do? Do you think it is hardware related or software related?

It HAS to be something with the driver install that messed things up, how do I fix this?

Mod Edit for Language :no:


Oct 22, 2016
Hopefully you can use restore and set it back to before you downloaded the files and moved everything around. If you cant do that move that file back to where it started from, delete all amd drivers and restart system. Then install the amd drivers.