Something Went Wrong.


Oct 10, 2015
Hi everyone so I would like to start this off by saying that I do not know very much at all about computers, really nothing at all infact, when installing things i just follow manuals. Anyways so about 3 years ago I got the following computer: CPU: AMD FX 6300 GPU: AMD Radeon 7730 Mobo: a960D+ So, eventually I upgraded my Graphics card to an Nvidia Gtx 950 FTW right but everything else stayed the same. Now, about 8 months after that upgrade, I have upgraded the processor while also switching over to intel. I switched to an I5 6600k and with it my new motherboard is a GA B150M D3SH. Right so now I have A 500 Watt PSU, a Gtx 950 FTW, an I5 6600k and my mobo is the GA B150M D3SH and for some reason in every game I am getting these stutters and lag spikes and it freezes for like 5-10 seconds. Well those are all compatible and I have the RAM too along with proper heating because I have looked at the temps and theyre all right where they should be, CPU averages 30-35 when not idle and GPU 60-70. Right so its not cooling, its not a compatibility problem either. Ive seen that it is one of the two following things: Option A: something is wrong and my hard drive is dying or whatever but I dont think that is it as this problem only now occurs with the new processor (So it started like 4 days ago.) The second possibility is that since I did not do a reinstall of my OS something is screwing up one of my new drivers, is that possible? I did not do a reinstall of my OS because I had no idea how to and there is not exactly any guides online that I was able to use (still dont know how). So if that is it and somebody can help with this, I would really appreciate that.

Or, instead of giving the most vauge answer I possibly can, I could give the most detailed that I possibly can that way people can get a more detailed description of what is going on and what could potentially be the issue so that I could get a better answer.
It's not only possible but likely. I recommend starting with installing chipset drivers for your motherboard, then go from there with other drivers. You can find the various drivers along with instructions in Gigabyte's support section.

Yep, after getting through this post, I believe the best thing that you can do is to install BIOS updates for your motherboard, install graphics card drivers through the GeForce Experience software, and ensure that cables are plugged in properly.

Okay just so I am clear here, because Im a bit confused, are you saying that if I upgraded to win 10 right now then it would fix the issue? Like, if i wipe my HD then I was under the impression that I needed to get another install disc for win 8.1 is that not the case? Because I have no problem reinstalling games and programs if it means fixing this issue being that it makes the games unenjoyable.
Upgrading to Win 10 performs some similar operations as a re-install. It will install a set of known (maybe out of date, but tested) drivers appropriate to your system, which may just be the fix it needs.

Yup. More or less incorporates the key elements of a fresh install, which given your situation seems like a good option.
Hey, even if it doesn't work you just upgraded onto a newer OS for free! :)

Yeah but it sucks to be me because when i try it all it says is "Something went wrong, try again later."