Something wrong with graphics card or windows 10?


Feb 21, 2017
A few days ago my computer got some lines running across it and shut down. When I tried rebooting it. It looked like this , I tried booting into safe mode and reinstalling windows 10 but neither of those worked. My friend said its probably something with the graphics card but I wanted to make sure. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks..
GPU is likely the culprit. Depending on your CPU you may have an integrated graphics. Yank your card and plug the video cable in to the appropriate port on your motherboard and see how she does. Other likely culprit is cable or display, but GPU is first on the list.


Dec 19, 2013
That is the exact thing that happened to me when my 4 month old GTX660 died. Since it looks identical, I'd say the card is toast, begin RMA/warranty replacement procedure immediately.

Edit for details:
With mine it did that exact thing, after about 4 hours of trying different things the video output was gone, however occasionally the machine would POST, it would BOOT to the OS even less occasionally, with no video at all. (monitor said no signal, but detected the HDMI cable was present.)

If your machine begins to fail to POST. Sometimes with errors (beep codes, etc.) at random, sometimes nothing but a hang on powerup, you'll definitely be looking at the same issue.
GPU is likely the culprit. Depending on your CPU you may have an integrated graphics. Yank your card and plug the video cable in to the appropriate port on your motherboard and see how she does. Other likely culprit is cable or display, but GPU is first on the list.