Hey Guys,
Sometimes i random get bsods on my computer. It can be while gaming, or installing anything with steam, just browsing, or anything. I've been getting fucking bsods since i purchased this machine in february however it only ran for about 200 hours 'til now. I don't use it very much, max 3 hours at a time. The bsods are mostly memory related. Memory management, system service exception, internal video schedular error, or somethin like this, and more cancerous things. Maybe it can be related to fuckin nvidia drivers, i have geforce experience, i always install 'em via it. Now i did a clean install with the latest one (388.00) and i used the machine for about an hour and no problem showed but this means nothing. The windows memory diagnostic tool showed nothing 2 times, the event viewer deleted when i updated the fall creators updare and the latest bsod happened before it so i only ha 135 errors ( also my father's laptop is full of errors, it has like 3000 but it works perfectly if needed in 14-16 hours. I have to say windows updates are disabled ON HIS COMPUTER. I have nevrr met a lerson whose windows wasn't filled with this event viwer bullshit. My specs:
I5 6500
Gtx 950 oc
Gigabyte ga-b150-hd3p
8gb kingmax ram
Corsair cx450m
Wd 1tb blue
Could you guys help me why these madafaking bsods show up cause im about to get mindfuck
Sorry for my unacceptable manner
Sometimes i random get bsods on my computer. It can be while gaming, or installing anything with steam, just browsing, or anything. I've been getting fucking bsods since i purchased this machine in february however it only ran for about 200 hours 'til now. I don't use it very much, max 3 hours at a time. The bsods are mostly memory related. Memory management, system service exception, internal video schedular error, or somethin like this, and more cancerous things. Maybe it can be related to fuckin nvidia drivers, i have geforce experience, i always install 'em via it. Now i did a clean install with the latest one (388.00) and i used the machine for about an hour and no problem showed but this means nothing. The windows memory diagnostic tool showed nothing 2 times, the event viewer deleted when i updated the fall creators updare and the latest bsod happened before it so i only ha 135 errors ( also my father's laptop is full of errors, it has like 3000 but it works perfectly if needed in 14-16 hours. I have to say windows updates are disabled ON HIS COMPUTER. I have nevrr met a lerson whose windows wasn't filled with this event viwer bullshit. My specs:
I5 6500
Gtx 950 oc
Gigabyte ga-b150-hd3p
8gb kingmax ram
Corsair cx450m
Wd 1tb blue
Could you guys help me why these madafaking bsods show up cause im about to get mindfuck
Sorry for my unacceptable manner