Question Sometimes while using Chrome, it shows a black checkerboard pattern over my screen, but not while gaming ?

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Dec 31, 2023
While Im on Chrome, randomly this black checkboard pattern will pop up, usually when im searching. sometimes it messes up my typing. it has happened on chrome and steam, im wondering if it could be the wallpaper engine? it glitches out and does it very quick and I can't get a screenshot of it because it doesn't happen very often. I'm not a computer person, so please explain it in simple terms if you can please, I have already reinstalled Chrome so it is not that.
I encounter this same issue on Chromium Edge. I'm guessing that if I turned off hardware acceleration it wouldn't happen, but it happens so infrequently that it doesn't bother me.
While Im on Chrome, randomly this black checkboard pattern will pop up, usually when im searching. sometimes it messes up my typing. it has happened on chrome and steam, im wondering if it could be the wallpaper engine? it glitches out and does it very quick and I can't get a screenshot of it because it doesn't happen very often. I'm not a computer person, so please explain it in simple terms if you can please, I have already reinstalled Chrome so it is not that.
So, it seems that changing the renderer might fix it while allowing you to keep hardware acceleration on. See:

It does go away after turning off hardware acceleration, its also only limited to chromium apps since it doesn't happen in Firefox.
Anyways I fixed it by doing the following:
  1. chrome://flags/ on the address bar
  2. Search for "Angle" and change the dx11 to OpenGL or dx11ondx12
It's apparently a common issue with Chromium browsers and Nvidia cards.

I set my renderer in Edge to D3D9 and I haven't seen any checkered patterns since.
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