Sony Announces Tablets With PlayStation Flavor

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Oct 23, 2008
"Sony's also injecting some of its PlayStation services into these tablets" so this means that you will have no service for days and your private information will get stolen...possible even credit card info...


Mar 25, 2011
Wow, bad timing on Sony's part....
Or maybe not, they are prolly using the increased hype about the PSN dump to launch this thing with... despite it being negative....

Are the Sony exec's high?


Sep 12, 2009
[citation][nom]Kryan[/nom]"Sony's also injecting some of its PlayStation services into these tablets" so this means that you will have no service for days and your private information will get stolen...possible even credit card info...[/citation]

That's not really fair, a DDoS attack is hardly something to blame them for. Sure they could have had better security but its not like they expected to be a big target like PayPal or Amazon.

On the subject of the tablets, those rumored prices better be a joke. The iPad and Motorola Xoom are stupid expensive as they are. Someone needs to explain to me why I wouldn't rather have a Nook Color with Android for $250. I'm sure Sony wants to maintain it's expensive, luxury brand appeal but the devices just don't look compelling enough to justify that price.


Jan 6, 2011
[citation][nom]theshonen8899[/nom]That's not really fair, a DDoS attack is hardly something to blame them for. Sure they could have had better security but its not like they expected to be a big target like PayPal or Amazon.On the subject of the tablets, those rumored prices better be a joke. The iPad and Motorola Xoom are stupid expensive as they are. Someone needs to explain to me why I wouldn't rather have a Nook Color with Android for $250. I'm sure Sony wants to maintain it's expensive, luxury brand appeal but the devices just don't look compelling enough to justify that price.[/citation]

you do understand that the data that was stolen wasn't even encrypted? not to blame? what? not to mention they've been flat out the past few months. How anyone can sympathize with sony or forgive them is absolutely beyond me.

Security 101: When storing critical data it's important to encrypt.

The questions I have are...

Will it take it upon itself to give away my credit card info?
Will it be overpriced as all sony products are?
And how soon can i expect the lawsuit for not using my device properly?


Jun 4, 2010
[citation][nom]theshonen8899[/nom]That's not really fair, a DDoS attack is hardly something to blame them for. Sure they could have had better security but its not like they expected to be a big target like PayPal or Amazon.On the subject of the tablets, those rumored prices better be a joke. The iPad and Motorola Xoom are stupid expensive as they are. Someone needs to explain to me why I wouldn't rather have a Nook Color with Android for $250. I'm sure Sony wants to maintain it's expensive, luxury brand appeal but the devices just don't look compelling enough to justify that price.[/citation]

You are right that you can't blame Sony for DDoS attack.

AMEX and VISA have both lost personal information of hundreds of millions of people at least once or twice in the past decade, but they don't say one thing, then a week later say 'oh yeah, by the way, you need to check your credit statements'. They say 'we will cover any losses' and then work to regain your trust.

I hope Sony comes back stronger than ever, but they should never wait so long before divulging the information to the public.


Jan 6, 2011
[citation][nom]jfby[/nom]You are right that you can't blame Sony for DDoS attack.AMEX and VISA have both lost personal information of hundreds of millions of people at least once or twice in the past decade, but they don't say one thing, then a week later say 'oh yeah, by the way, you need to check your credit statements'. They say 'we will cover any losses' and then work to regain your trust.I hope Sony comes back stronger than ever, but they should never wait so long before divulging the information to the public.[/citation]

The DDoS attack was done by anonymous, but the hacking in and stealing of customer info was apparently done by a single individual after anonymous stopped taking down the network. and yes, sony had kept its mouth shut for days and knew what happened but failed to warn their users.


Oct 23, 2008
[citation][nom]theshonen8899[/nom]That's not really fair, a DDoS attack is hardly something to blame them for. Sure they could have had better security but its not like they expected to be a big target like PayPal or Amazon.On the subject of the tablets, those rumored prices better be a joke. The iPad and Motorola Xoom are stupid expensive as they are. Someone needs to explain to me why I wouldn't rather have a Nook Color with Android for $250. I'm sure Sony wants to maintain it's expensive, luxury brand appeal but the devices just don't look compelling enough to justify that price.[/citation]

i'm not saying it's ALL their fault...but a) letting it happen in the first place, b) being so hush-hush about what's ACTUALLY happened and c) for now, only AFTER sh*t has hit the fan, to start on a pracitcally new PSN version...leaving gamers unable to ...well game.

THAT is all Sony's fault. and I am VERY close to popping my ps3 on ebay and doing the xbox360 thing.


May 2, 2006
Hey Sony do you pay attention to the market at all?? You bother to look at the Xoom and EeePad Transformer?

Your prices mean failure. Sony's brand rep is no longer good enough to demand high prices and to be honest your brand rep has become low enough that you should really be pricing your stuff a little cheaper than the competition if anything.

I know first hand because I bought one of your laptops in 2010. Its nice and all but your overall quality is no longer high enough to demand high prices.


Jun 4, 2010
[citation][nom]pelov[/nom]you do understand that the data that was stolen wasn't even encrypted? not to blame? what? not to mention they've been flat out the past few months. How anyone can sympathize with sony or forgive them is absolutely beyond me. Security 101: When storing critical data it's important to encrypt. The questions I have are...Will it take it upon itself to give away my credit card info?Will it be overpriced as all sony products are?And how soon can i expect the lawsuit for not using my device properly?[/citation]

Not even encrypted! Go Sony...

I am a PS3/PSN user and while I don't like the idea of having lost my info in this attack, I've had a Visa and AMEX card info stolen after using them ONLY at retail stores (Best Buy or Home Depot both have had issues with this, but I'm not saying that's were I got hit as I can't prove it...). In this 'new era' of electronic transactions, the theives are outpacing the consumers and while being proactive with keeping your info is safe, sometimes you just have to rely on something to 'protect you', which is what the credit card companies have done so far...
[citation][nom]virtualban[/nom]Are they planning on removing usability and features on these devices also sometime in the future, because the EULA says they can?[/citation]

only useless ones that only 5 people want so no one would care
[citation][nom]Kryan[/nom]i'm not saying it's ALL their fault...but a) letting it happen in the first place, b) being so hush-hush about what's ACTUALLY happened and c) for now, only AFTER sh*t has hit the fan, to start on a pracitcally new PSN version...leaving gamers unable to ...well game.THAT is all Sony's fault. and I am VERY close to popping my ps3 on ebay and doing the xbox360 thing.[/citation]

letting it happen? you could have the most secure network in the world and it could still get hacked. big companies get hacked everyday. includeing the governments of the world like the US and Canada. if you do get an xbox 360 you should start a pool on how long it will take to get a RROD on that puppy

dalta centauri

Apr 1, 2010

Using the ol' "RROD" statement? Fact is, the RROD issue hardly occurs and isn't news anymore, where as this is a recent issue.


Oct 7, 2009
I don't even make difference between the hundreads of tablets announced, and I do not care as well. I am actually fed up listening about tablets, and I am not sure I am not the only one.

Should they rename the two models to FAIL1 and FAIL2 ?
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