News Sony cuts 250 jobs at optical media plant — recordable disc production to be phased out, says report

They may just be winding down current tech operations in preparation for AIE-DDPR which promises petabits on a single disc. The tech is still fresh with some hurdles to overcome, but it does look like our next step in data storage.
Wow Sony still made their own discs in Japan? After CMC bought both Verbatim (in 2019) and TaiyoYuden (in 2015), and Moser-Baer went under in 2018, I thought only Taiwan and UAE (Falcon Technologies) were left.

All of the Sonys I ever bought in the US were made by Ritek in Taiwan, and not very good.
They may just be winding down current tech operations in preparation for AIE-DDPR which promises petabits on a single disc. The tech is still fresh with some hurdles to overcome, but it does look like our next step in data storage.
I'd love for that to be true, but I doubt it. Or it won't be "our" next step because it won't come to consumers.