Sony May Stream PlayStation Games to PC

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This is what I want Sony! I am more than capable of making a computer good enough to play your games, just throw software at me and I will throw money back your direction!

Now if only there was another console company who designed a console around PC hardware, and a PC OS who could also figure this out...

Assuming your internet connection is strong enough, the game will look good because all of the actual heavy lifting is being done elsewhere. Your netbook will be able to play the game at high settings because your netbook isn't actually doing anything but playing back the video feed.

Seems like a lot of people don't understand how streaming works. =/
still missed the part of ''streaming'' and u can lower the graphics to make it look like a console, the point of this, what i think that it may be good, if that they may stream some ps games exclusive. thats the whole point of streaming a ps game to a pc. else why would anyone do that.l just my point of view :)
this is a very amazing thing for pc gamers. ps3 has ALOT of exclusives that the PC community is missing out on. since the ps4 is so similar to a pc, it wouldnt cost a whole lot to port over the ps4 gaikai streaming ability to pc as well. this move is very little risk for Sony since the ps3 will be phased out soon(2016?).
We've been able to do this for at least 2 years. Sony created "Remote Play" to stream to PSPs and Vaio laptops. So naturally some hackers made a tool so your computer doesn't have to be Vaio and your PS3 doesn't have to be modded. It works great and has for a very long time. Cracks me up when multi-billion dollar companies claim "difficulties" like this when regular (yet talented) people do it with simple motivation.
If its like OnLive, where I'm 300 miles from the server, out here on the cali central coast, it won't look so hot. For example, a 3rd person action game like Batman... the player controlled character will look pretty sharp, then depending on your bandwidth, everything radiating outward from your character will get more and more pixelated to the point of looking like utter crap. Take the PS3's low res textures, upscaled to say 1080p, then pixelated due to bandwidth/latency... It's not very pretty to be honest.

As in all things, YMMV, and if the price is right, it's better than watching a "let's play" on youtube.
Good idea Sony but instead of streaming why not make a pretty damn awesome emulator? Not everyone has the connection to stream these games at good quality or lag free experience. But from what I've read the real money comes from selling games so why not make an official Sony emulator for the PC and us PC gamers will buy your games without a problem.

Doubt that. Since the game on the ps4 itself will be build around using the controller. Unless sony mandate the dev must also support mouse and keyboard usage along side controller when they develop their game for ps4.

Anyway this might Sony move to counter Valve move with StreamOS although the streaming part might be it's weak point since unlike StreamOS's streaming from your local network this one will need real internet connection to connect to sony's Gaikai cloud server

I doubt sony like the idea of emulating their latest console. Just look what happen to bleem, the comercial emulator for the original playstation.
I just wonder how they're gonna get around the latency issue? Maximum tolerable latence is already present in a large LCD TV, so any addition will ruin fast paced games.

"What's the point of this? I can do the same by turning settings on low and playing on my netbook.. "

And as soon as you can fire up Uncharted or Killzone on your netbook, you let us know...


Your netbook, huh? Well, I've got you beat - my pocket calculator is more powerful than the PS4... So, nyah!
Looks like Sony is starting to realize they have a lot of potential revenue in their game library that can be tapped. Since console makers are breaking even at best with hardware, why not just sell us games and services and let us sort out the hardware for ourselves? I would love to see a PlayStation OS in the vein of Steam OS.
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