Sony P Series Ships With 1.3 GHz CPU in U.S., 1.6 GHz in UK

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may also have something to do with purchasing trends in the us vs uk. they may have figured the 1.6 would do better there (for some marketing reason).
If it was a Mac with OS X on it I could see the price. This thing is way overpriced. I have a nice little Eee PC with a 9" screen 1.6Ghz Atom and 160GB HD with XP for $350.
for over $1000 with an atom is a rip-off no matter how you cut it. So being slower is non-issue anyway if you ask me. At that price for the top-end you might as well spend the extra few hundred dollars and get a macbook air, at least you'd get a core 2 duo
UK models start at £849, at current exchange rates that's around $1270 US, the cheapest US model is $899. Hell we deserve it.

Waaah waahhh, we can't have the best. What's your next ploy? Scream and scream until you are sick? Please grow up.
Not true ,don`t know where you experts get your sources from but the Sony UK web sites advertisez 1.33ghz only so stop rubbish talking and missinforming the public on a grand scale.
Not true don`t know where you experts get your sources from the Sony UK web sites advertisez 1.33ghz only so stop talking and mis informing the public on a grand scale.
THe z520 is 2w as opposed to the Atom 270 2.5w either than that the 1.33ghz would be terrible rather the 1.86ghz is better z570 atom
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