News Sony to Purchase ‘Destiny’ Developer Bungie in $3.6 Billion Deal


$3.6 Billion ... for Destiny and the studio that made it.

That would be like if Disney had paid $4 Billion dollars to LucasFilm for Red Tails and ILM, without getting Star Wars.

I see that Sony's longstanding company tradition of "having absolutely no idea how to turn a profit" is starting to creep into their gaming division.


Oct 19, 2013
Contrary to what Xbots and Sony haters will say (some are already saying), this deal is not a reaction to MS acquiring Acti-Blizz.

The deal was in the works for the past 6 months. Of course, these kind of deals don't happen over night, like MS announces their move and somehow Sony in a week acquires Bungie, that's so silly...

Jim Ryan: “Expect More” In Regards To PlayStation Acquisitions
While you are right these deals don't happen overnight, it is also (most likely) entirely possible Sony knew about Microsoft's deal and also started working on their own months ago 🤨
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While you are right these deals don't happen overnight, it is also (most likely) entirely possible Sony knew about Microsoft's deal and also started working on their own months ago 🤨
but this is pointless even if true.

Bungie isnt console exclusive per its terms...thus Sony didn't really do anything to make buyign their console better.

MS on other hand obtained a huge number of IPs via their deal (giving them capacity to open all those to gamepass which is somethign sony has no possible answer to.

and this is also nowhere near as profitable as MS's.

Destiny makes Millions (and is basically all they have going atm for bungie)

CoD alone makes Billions....and thats just 1 of the IP's they obtained.

not even same league.


Oct 19, 2011
Consolidation rarely works out for the better. I wasn't fond of the idea of EA, Activision, Ubisoft, and Infogrames/Atari buying up all the game studios just as I'm uncomfortable with the idea of Sony and Microsoft acquiring publishers and their studios. Sony's acquisition is probably bad in the long run.

The only acquisition that I'm ok with is Microsoft's ABK acquisition. Why? Because ABK management is so hilariously bad that they turned nearly every company asset into a support tool for Call of Duty. All eggs in the same basket. Microsoft has the ability to dig into ABK's rich and neglected IP portfolio. Bungie and Bethesda didn't seem to have as big of management failures compared to ABK, and appeared to be leveraging much more of their IP.


Oct 9, 2019
I love how a 70B acquisition makes some people easy and gives them hope that it will be a good thing, but a 3B+ one seems bad to those same people.... Really?

If anything Sony can get that money back from Bungie faster and easier than MS can ever recoup those 70B. Not that I care if MS loses them all, they have enough to lose and not care.

Sony bought Bungie for at least 4 things:
  1. Their expertise with multiplayer and GaaS games, which Sony will have many new ones coming and that's gold right there for them.
  2. Any game IP Bungie already has, plus new IPs that can be turned into movies by Sony.
  3. Future game IPs in development from Bungie that probably are worth investing for Sony, that are promising, from a gaming POV.
  4. And only lastly, Destiny 2 and it's future.