sony vaio battery not getting charged beyond 65%

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Aug 24, 2013
I recently purchased a geuine sony vaio battery which is not getting charged beyond 65%. I unchecked battery care function also. but still facing the same problem. even the battery charging capacity shown by vaio control center is good. can u guys please help me?
yes best way!, im not the most experienced with laptops but ive got the saem one and had the exact same problem with mine, if you just pick me as the solution that'll be great, if you have any problems give me a shout.

sorry just read what you said there, sounds like the battery you have purchased could be faulty, or you need a new charger maybe?, have you tried charging with the old battery, or maybe send the new one back and ask for a replacement then if you still have the same problem it could be your charger

Thanks matt20020,
I checked the old battery its getting charged 100%, so charger is not the problem. I must contact battery dealer for replacement,
yes best way!, im not the most experienced with laptops but ive got the saem one and had the exact same problem with mine, if you just pick me as the solution that'll be great, if you have any problems give me a shout.

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