Sony vegas not finishing render


Aug 29, 2014
I recently got sony vegas and i spent most of my day making a video for a friend and i went to render the video in "Internet HD 1080p" and it works fine for 94% of the way. buuuuut then as soon as it hits 94% the render bar just stops, the approximate time just times out, and it will just sit there and the elapsed time keeps counting. i have tried disabling GPU assistance, giving it more RAM to use, copying the projects internal elements and pasting it all onto a new project line. if you can help me i will freaking love you until you can not possibly be loved any more but even then i will still love you without your consent.

I have an FX-6300 8 GB of DDR3 memory at 2133 mhz. Western digital blue 1TB drive. Asus R9 270x. And to note cpu is cooled with a H80i liquid cooler. Incase that matters... As for file size, i dont know how big it is but all up its about 23 mins long and i am only using about 3:23 of the file and i have cut it down in the same project. But now i think of it, maybe i should cut down the clip in another project, render it and then try again with adding effects.
I have found out why the render wouldnt finish. I had an audio clip with max volume and it didnt like that whatsoever. I liwerd the audio volume and enabled GPU assistance with openCL and it renderd wothout a problem. If you have the same problm as me perhaps if you have audio tracks and you max the DB in the volume for that audio lauer, tirn it back to default and try again, if that fails, make a copy of the project and use the copy to slowly remove parts of the video intil it will render, this will take some time but you will perhaps be able to find out if you have a faulty audio, video, or people picture which needs to be replaced.